Green’s Dictionary of Slang

dinge adj.

also dingo
[dinge n.]

(US) black.

implied in dinge kinch
[US]Sun (NY) 9 Sept. 3/2: I went at him like a dinge stablehand cooling out a winning horse after a cup race.
[US]‘Sing Sing No. 57,700’ My View on Books in N.Y. Times Mag. 30 Apr. 5/5: She [...] Ther’s a dinge scrapper in it that eats-’em-alive .
[US]R. Lardner Big Town 43: The dinge orchestra tore loose some jazz.
[UK]I, Mobster 75: Up to then policy had always been strictly a dinge operation, something for no place but the black belt.
[US]C. Himes Pinktoes (1989) 185: The story of two or three score great white ladies going on a dinge binge.
[US]J.G. Dunne True Confessions (1979) 4: And in the swellest dinge accent you ever heard, Bingo says, ‘Dee po-lice.’.
[US](con. 1940s–60s) H. Huncke ‘Sea Voyage’ in Eve. Sun Turned Crimson (1998) 143: Oh look — it’s [a puff of black smoke] just like a big dinge nut.
[US]C. Carr Our Town 87: I was [...] seeing how these dingo junglebunnies was jumping around from tree to tree wishing to get to the banana. [Ibid.] 88: Remembering that he was trying to impress me with his racism, he shouted [to a black child] ‘Hey, don’t stick your dingo paws on my flags!’.
[US]P. Beatty Sellout (2016) 141: When the dinge-colored bunch return home to a jetty full of concerned parentrs [etc].
[UK]P. Baker Fabulosa 291/1: dinge black.

In compounds

dinge joint (n.) (also dinge palace) [joint n. (3b)/SE palace]

(US) a nightclub or similar place patronized by black people only.

[US]R. Chandler Farewell, My Lovely (1949) 9: You say this here is a dinge joint? [Ibid.] 13: How long’s this coop been a dinge joint?
[Aus](con. 1940s) E. Lambert Veterans 43: You don’t want to go into those dinge joints, digger.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 63: dinge palace bar frequented by black homosexuals.
dinge queen (n.) [-queen sfx (2)]

1. (US gay) a male homosexual who prefers black partners; used of both whites and blacks.

[US]Lavender Lex. n.p.: dinge queen: – A white homosexual who prefers, as a sex partner, a negro.
[US]I. Rosenthal Sheeper 41: Calling all dinge queens and size queens – control your appetites.
[UK]J. Hayes ‘Gayspeak’ Quarterly Journal Speech LXI 256–66: Queen [...] may be used to build a limitless series of images: to describe sexual preferences – dinge queen (one who prefers blacks), size queen (one who likes men with large penises).
[US](con. 1940s) C. Bram Hold Tight (1990) 17: What’s the matter, Blondie? You a dinge queen?
[US](con. early 1960s) E. White in N.Y. Rev. Bks 25 Oct. 🌐 I would in effect teach them how to camp—[...] how to label a guy who likes blacks (‘a dinge queen’) or Asians (‘a rice queen’).
[UK]P. Baker Fabulosa 291/1: dinge queen someone (usually a gay man) who seeks black partners.

2. (US gay) a black homosexual.

[US]Homosexuality & Citizenship in Florida 26: Glossary of Homosexual Terms [...] dinge queenA negro homosexual.