Green’s Dictionary of Slang

rat fuck n.2

also r.f.
[note political jargon rat fuck, to sabotage an opponents’ campaign by whatever means (usu. illegal) necessary; the original rat fuckers learned their trade in college politics and were later recruited to Richard Nixon’s national campaign team; it was their techniques that would lead to Watergate]
(orig. US campus)

1. a prank, a practical joke.

[US]Poston & Stillman ‘Notes on Campus Vocabulary’ in AS XL:3 195: A R.F. is a practical joke, dormitory style.
[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 323: ratfuck. Antisocial behavior, ranging from practical joking to unsavory and/or downright illegal political activities.

2. a difficult examination.

[US]Baker et al. CUSS.