Green’s Dictionary of Slang


Aarons, Edward S. Gang Rumble (New York 1958) [Eureka, CA 2021]
Abbas, Khwaja Ahmad Bombay, my Bombay! (New Delhi 1986)
Abbeville Press & Banner (Abbeville, S.C. 1869–1924)
Abbey, Charles; Gosnell, Harper A. Before the Mast in the Clippers (from Abbey’s diaries; 1856–60) (New York 1937)
Abbey, Edward The Brave Cowboy (US 1955) [London 1958]
Abbott, Harry Sonepore Reminiscences: Years 1840-96 (Calcutta 1896)
Abbott, J.M.H. Tommy Cornstalk (London 1902)
Abbott, Megan E. Die a Little (New York 2005) [New York 2008]
Abel, Ernest A Dictionary of Drug Abuse Terms and Terminology (Westport, CT 1984)
Abel, Ernest A Marihuana Dictionary (Westport, CT 1982)
Aberdeen Evening Express (Aberdeen, Scotland 1879-)
Aberdeen Herald (Chehalis Co., W.T. 1886-1917)
Aberdeen Journal (Aberdeen, Scotland 1753-1950)
Aberdeen People’s Journal (Aberdeen, Scotland 1863-1939)
Aberdeen Press (Aberdeen 1748-1950)
Aberdeen Press and Journal (Aberdeen 1748-1950)
Aberdeen Weekly (Aberdeen, MS 1878-1933)
Aberigh-Mackay, George From London to Lucknow 2 vols. (London 1860)
Aberigh-Mackay, George Serious Reflections and other Contributions 2 vols. (Bombay 1881)
Aberigh-Mackay, George Twenty-one Days in India, being the Tour of Sir Ali Baba, K.C.B. (London 1880)
Abilene Reporter-News (Abilene TX 1937-)
Abilene Weekly Reflector (Abilene KS 1888-1935)
Ableman, Paul The Mouth and Oral Sex (New York 1969)
Abrahams, Roger D. Deep Down in the Jungle (Hatboro, PA 1964)
Abrahams, Roger D. The Man-of-Words in the West Indies (Baltimore/London 1983)
Abrahams, Roger D. ‘Playing the Dozens’ in Jrnl. American Folklore (vol. 75 pp 209-20 (July-Sept.) 1962)
Abrahams, Roger D. Positively Black (Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1970)
Abse, Dannie Three Questor Plays (Lowestoft, UK 1967) (including House of Cowards 1960; In the Cages 1960)
Absolutely Mad: 53 Years of Mad Magazine (1953–2006) [DVD-ROM New York 2006]
Aby, Joe C. Hoffenstein (New York 1882)
‘A Cairene’ Sixfold Sensuality, or The Sensual Pleasure-giving Exercises of an ingenious acrobatic [i.e. aristocratic] Family (Paris c.1900)
Ace, Stroker Stand On It (New York 1973) [London 1979]
Acevedo, Elizabeth The Poet X (New York 2018)
Ackerley, J.R. We Think The World Of You (London 1960) [London 1971]
Ackroyd, Peter Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem (London 1995)
Acland, Charles A Popular Account of the Manners and Customs of India (London 1847)
Acland, L.G.D. The Early Canterbury Runs 3rd series (Christchurch 1951)
A complete history and development of all the extra-ordinary circumstances ... connected with the murder of Mr. Weare, etc (London 1824)
Action Stories (New York 1921–50)
Adair County News (Columbia, KY 1897-1987)
Adamic, Louis Laughing in the Jungle (New York 1932)
Adams, Andy Cattle Brands (New York 1906) [Internet:]
Adams, Andy The Log Of A Cowboy (Boston 1903)
Adams, Andy The Outlet (Boston 1905) [Internet:]
Adams, Andy Wells Brothers, The Young Cattle Kings (New York 1911) [Internet:]
Adams, Bernard Nothing of Importance (London 1917) [Stevenage, UK 1988]
Adams, Edward C.L. Congaree Sketches (Chapel Hill, NC 1927)
Adams, Edward C.L. Nigger to Nigger (London/New York 1928)
Adams, Franklin P. So Much Velvet (New York 1924) [London 1924]
Adams, F.W.L. Australians (London 1893)
Adams, Joey From Gags to Riches (New York 1946)
Adams, L. Emilie Understanding Jamaican Patois (Kingston, Jamaica 1991)
Adams, Michael Slayer Slang (New York 2003)
Adams, Ramon F. Cowboy Lingo (Boston 1936)
Adams, Ramon F. The Old-Time Cowhand (New York 1961)
Adams, Ramon F. Western Words: A Dictionary of the American West (Norman, OK 1944; 2nd rev. edn Norman, OK 1968)
Adams, Samuel Hopkins Success (Boston 1921)
Adams, Samuel Hopkins Tenderloin (New York 1958)
Adam-Smith, Patsy The Barcoo Salute (Adelaide/London 1974)
Adamson, Robert; Hanford, Bruce Zimmer’s Essay (Sydney 1974)
Addington, William (transl.) The .XI. Books of / the Golden Asse, / Conteigning the Metamorphosie / of Lucius Apuleius (London 1566)
Addison, Joseph The Drummer (London 1716)
‘Addlestaff’, ‘Adam’ The Indian's Petition: or, Black Jack's pawawing to Don Pluto, Lord of the dark regions (London 1710)
Addy, Sidney O. A Glossary of Words used in the Neighbourhood of Sheffield (London 1888)
Addy, S.O. (ed.) Sheffield Glossary (Sheffield, UK 1891)
Ade, George Ade’s Fables (New York 1914)
Ade, George Artie (New York 1896) [New York 1963]
Ade, George Bang! Bang! (New York 1928)
Ade, George Breaking Into Society (New York 1902) [New York 1904]
Ade, George The College Widow (New York 1923)
Ade, George Doc’ Horne (New York 1899)
Ade, George Fables in Slang (New York 1899) [New York 1902]
Ade, George Forty Modern Fables (New York 1902)
Ade, George Girl Proposition (New York 1902)
Ade, George Hand-made Fables (New York 1920)
Ade, George In Babel (New York 1903)
Ade, George Knocking the Neighbors (New York 1912)
Ade, George More Fables in Slang (New York 1900) [New York 1960]
Ade, George The Old-Time Saloon (New York 1931)
Ade, George People You Know (New York 1903)
Ade, George Pink Marsh (New York 1897) [New York 1963]
Ade, George Stories of the Street and of the Town (Chicago, IL 1894)
Ade, George True Bills (New York 1904)
Ade, George Verses and Jingles (New York 1911)
Adelaide Observer (Adelaide, WA 1843-1904)
Adelman, Bob (ed.) Tijuana Bibles (New York 1997)
Adlard, John Fruit of That Forbidden Tree: Restoration poems, songs and jests on the subject of sensual love (London 1975)
Adler, Bill (ed.) Vietnam Letters (New York 2003)
Adlington, William (transl.) The Golden Ass (London 1566)
Adult Novelty Reviews [Internet] (1998–c.2004)
The Adventurer (London 1752-4)
Advertiser (Adelaide, SA 1889-1931) [Internet] (2005–c.2010)
Advocate (Melbourne, Vic. 1868-1954)
The Advocate (Topeka, KS 1892-1894)
Advocate (Meriden, KS 1889-1892 )
Advocate (Topeka, KS 18??-??)
Advocate (Burnie, Tas. 1890-1954)
Advocate (Los Angeles, CA 1967-)
Aegis (Oakland, CA 1886–)
Aflalo, F.G. The Sportsman’s Book for India (London 1904)
‘‘A Flat Enlightened’’ Life in the West, or, The Curtain Drawn 2 vols. (London 1828)
A Fortnights ramble through London, or a complete desplay of all the cheats and frauds practized in the great metropolis, with the best methods for eluding them (London 1795)
Africa News Service
Afro-American (Baltimore, MD 1892-)
A Full and true account of a dreadful fire that lately broke out in the Pope's breeches (London 1713)
Agar, Michael Ripping and Running: A Formal Ethnography of Urban Heroin Addicts (New York/London 1973)
Agate, James Gemel in London (London 1928)
Age (Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia 1904-07)
The Age (London 1825-1845)
The Age (Melbourne, Vic. 1854–)
‘‘A Gentleman in London’’ The country gentleman's vade mecum, or his companion for the town in eighteen letters from a gentleman in London to his friend in the country wherein he passionately disswades him against coming to London, and Represents to him the Advantages of a Country Life, in Opposition to the Follies and Vices of the Town (London 1699)
Agnew, Ivan Loner (London 1974)
The Agreeable Songster (London 1794)
Ahearn, Danny Confessions of a Guman (London 1930)
Ahearn, Danny How to Commit a Murder (London 1930)
‘A High Private’ (pseud. Samuel M. Quincy) Man who was not a Colonel (Boston 1877)
A History of the Gaming Houses and Gamesters of the Metropolis (London 1824)
Ahlberg, Alan Heard it in the Playground (London 1989) [London 1991]
Ainley, Henry In Order to Die (London 1955)
Ainsworth, W. Harrison Jack Sheppard (London 1839) [London 1917]
Ainsworth, W. Harrison Rookwood (London 1834) [London 1857]
Ainsworth’s Magazine (London 1842-54)
Aitken, G.A. (ed.) Poems and Satires of Andrew Marvell (London 1901)
‘Aked’, ‘Suzan’ The Simple Tale of Suzan Aked (London 1898)
Akron Beacon Journal (Akron, OH 1903-)
Akron Daily Democrat (Akron OH 1892-1902)
A laconic narrative of the life and death of James Wilson, known by the name of Daft Jamie; to which is added, a few anecdotes relative to him and his old friend Boby Awl, an idiot who strolled about Edinburgh for many years (Edinburgh 1829)
A Laconic narrative of the life & death of James Wilson, known by the name of Daft Jamie : in which are interspersed general anecdotes relative to him and his old friend Boby Awl [i.e. Robert Kirkwood] (Edinburgh 1829)
Alard, Jack He Who Shoots Last (Sydney 1968)
Alaska Citizen (Fairbanks, AL 1910-17)
Albany Advertiser (Albany WA 1897-1950)
Albany Democrat-Herald (Albany, NY 1925-)
The Albany Microscope (Albany, NY 1832-1846)
Albany Register (Albany, OR 1868-18??)
Albuquerque Evening Citizen (Albuquerque NM 190?-07) [ ]
Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, NM 1880-)
Albuquerque Morning Journal (Albuquerque NM 188?-54)
Alcott, Louisa May An Old-Fashioned Girl (London 1870)
Alcott, Louisa May Little Women (London 1868) [London 1871]
Aldiss, Brian A Soldier Erect (London 1971)
Aldiss, Brian The Hand-Reared Boy (London 1970)
Alexander, H.M. Strip tease; a psycho-sexual study of the vanished art of burlesque (New York 1938)
Alexander, Nick Other Halves (Edinburgh 2014)
Alexander’s East India and Colonial Magazine (c. 1835)
Alexandra Herald and Central Otago Gazette (Otago 1902-1948)
Alexandra & Yea Standard (Alexandra, Vic. 1908-1949)
Alexandre, Jean L’argot de la prostitution (Paris 1987)
Alexandria Gazette (Alexandria, VA 1834-1974)
Alexandria Times-Tribune (Alexandria, IN 1903-1931)
Alfred, William Hogan’s Goat (New York 1958)
Algeo, John Among the New Words (Cambridge, UK 1991) [Cambridge, UK 1993]
Algren, Nelson A Walk on the Wild Side (New York 1956)
Algren, Nelson Chicago: City on the Make (New York 1951)
Algren, Nelson Entrapment (short stories written 1951-80) (New York 2009)
Algren, Nelson The Man with the Golden Arm (New York 1949)
Algren, Nelson (ed.) Nelson Algren’s Own Book of Lonesome Monsters (New York 1963)
Algren, Nelson The Neon Wilderness (New York 1947) [New York 1986]
Algren, Nelson Never Come Morning (New York 1942) [London 1988]
Algren, Nelson Somebody in Boots (New York 1935)
Algren, Nelson The Texas Stories of Nelson Algren (Austin, TX 1995)
Alibrandi, Tom Custody (New York 1979)
Alibrandi, Tom Killshot (London/New York 1979)
All Abaht It - Journal of the 10th Field Ambulance, Australian Army Medical Corps (France 1916) [Internet] (‘Words for Masturbation’)
All-America Sports Mag (New York 1933–38)
Allardyce, A. (ed.) Letters from and to Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe (London 1888)
Allardyce, Alexander The City of Sunshine 3 vols. (Edinurgh 1877)
Allardyce, Alexander ‘The Anglo-Indian Tongue’ (Blackwood's Edinburgh Mag. May 1877)
Allen, Charles (ed.) Plain Tales from the Raj (London 1975)
Allen, Grant The Tents of Shem (London 1889)
Allen, Irving Lewis The City in Slang: New York Life and Popular Speech (New York 1993) [New York 1995]
Allen, Irving Lewis The Language of Ethnic Conflict (New York 1983)
Allen, John Assault with a Deadly Weapon (New York 1977)
Allen, Lee The Hot Stove League (New York 1955)
Allen, Steve Bop Fables (New York 1955)
Allen, Vickie Born for Bung (S. Laguna, CA 1982)
Allen's Indian mail, and register of intelligence for British and foreign India, China, and all parts of the East (London 1845-?)
Alliance Herald (Box Butte Co. NE 1902-22)
Allingham, John Till Fortune’s Frolic (London 1799)
Allingham, Margery Hide My Eyes (London 1958) [London 1960]
Allingham, Margery Mystery Mile (London 1930) [London 1982]
Allingham, Margery The Tiger in the Smoke (London 1952) [London 1978]
Allingham, Philip Cheapjack (London 1934)
Allison, Dan On the Whispering Wind (Lincoln, NE 2002)
‘Allnight, Esquire’, ‘Bumper’ The Honest Fellow: or, Reveller's Memorandum-Book … A collection of … jocular songs … to which is added, A collection of comic sentiments, etc. (London 1790)
All Sloper’s Half-Holiday (London 1884-1916)
Allsopp, Richard Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage (Oxford 1996)
All Sports (New York 1919–30)
All-Story Weekly (New York 1915–20)
All the Year Round (London 1859-1895)
Ally Croaker’s Garland (Newcastle-upon-Tyne (?) 1750)
Ally Sloper’s Half Holiday (London 1884-1916)
Alma Record (Alma, MI 1878-1928)
Alnwick Mercury (Alnwick, Scotland 1854-1950)
Alpena Weekly Argus (Alpena, MI 1871-1893)
Alson, Peter Confessions of an Ivy League Bookie (London 1996)
Alter, Robert E. Carny Kill (New York 1966) [New York 1993]
The Alternative English Dictionary (? mostly US slang) (1995–c.2007)
Altham, Michael An auction of whores, or, The bawds bill of sale, for Bartholomew Fair. (London 1691)
Alton Evening Telegraph (Alton, IL 1894-1972)
Altoona Tribune (Altoona, PA 1856-19??) Text Repository [Internet] (c.1999–)
Alvarez, A. The Biggest Game in Town (London 1983)
Amaroc News - the daily newspaper of US forces in Germany 1918–1930 (France 1918–30)
The Amatory Adventures of Tilly Touchitt (London c.1886)
Amatory Ink [Internet] (2000–c.2006)
Amazon [Internet] (1996–)
Amende, Coral The Crossword Obsession (New York 2001)
The American (US fl. 1822)
American Citizen (Butler, PA 1863-1872)
American Dialect Society – List (ADS-L) [Internet] (1992–)
American Hebrew Magazine (New York 1879-1902)
American Magazine (New York 1906–56)
American Mercury (New York 1924–52)
American Motorcyclist Magazine (1955-)
The American national song book : a collection of patriotic, military, naval, moral, sentimental, and popular songs for the people (Boston, MA 1842)
American Notes & Queries (Philadelphia, PA 1857-)
American Republican & Baltimore Daily Clipper (Baltimore, MD 1839-1865)
American Speech (Durham, NC 1928–)
American Turf Register and Sporting Magazine (Baltimore MD 1829-1844)
Ames, Nathaniel An Old Sailor’s Yarns (New York 1834)
Ames, Nathaniel Mariner’s Sketches (Providence, RI 1830)
Ames, Richard The Female Fire-Ships (London 1691)
Ames, Richard The Folly of Love (London 1691)
Ames Daily Tribune (Ames, IA 1938-80)
Amhurst, Nicholas Terræ-Filius (London 1721, 1726) [Newark, DE 2004]
Amis, Kingsley Girl, 20 (London 1971)
Amis, Kingsley That Uncertain Feeling (London 1955)
Amis, Martin Experience (London 2000)
Amis, Martin London Fields (London 1989)
Amis, Martin The Rachael Papers (London 1973)
Ammon, Walter W.; Working Lives (Fremantle, Australia 1984)
A Mornings Ramble: or, Islington Wells Burlesqt. (London 1684)
An account of a great & famous scoldling-match between four remarkable scolding fish-women of Rosemary-lane, and the like number of basket-women of Golden-lane, near Cripplegate, on Monday last, upon a wager for five guinea’s (London 1699)
An ... account of the Trial and Sentence of Mary M'Kinnon ... for the murder of William Howat, etc (Edinburgh, 1823)
Anaconda Standard (Anaconda, MT 1889-1970)
Anadarko Daily Democrat (Anadarko, OH 1901-?1913)
‘An Amateur’ (pseud. John Badcock) Real Life in London 2 vols. (London 1821)
An antidote against melancholy made up in pills (London 1669)
An Authentic narrative of the most remarkable adventures, and curious intrigues, exhibited in the life of Miss Fanny Davies, the celebrated modern amazon, who received the sentence of death (London 1786)
‘‘A Naval Officer’’ (pseud. Alfred Thornton) The Adventures of a Post Captain (London 1817)
Anderson, Alston Lover Man (London/New York 1959)
Anderson, Barbara Portrait of the Artist’s Wife (New York 1992)
Anderson, Charles Robert Grunts (San Rafael, CA 1976)
Anderson, Christopher J. Grunts: US Infantry in Vietnam (London/Stackpole, PA c.1998)
Anderson, Edward Hungry Men (London 1935)
Anderson, Edward Thieves Like Us (New York 1937) [London 1999]
Anderson, Harold Men of the Milford Road (Wellington 1975)
Anderson, H.M. Strip Tease (New York 1938)
Anderson, Izett; Cundall, Frank Jamaica Negro Proverbs and Sayings (London 1927)
Anderson, Izett; Cundall, Frank Jamaica Proverbs and Sayings (Kingston, Jamaica 1910)
Anderson, Kent Night Dogs (New York 1998)
Anderson, Maxwell; Stallings, Lawrence What Price Glory? (New York 1924)
Anderson, Mona A River Rules My Life (Sydney 1963)
Anderson, Nels The Hobo (Chicago 1923)
Anderson, Robert Ballads in the Cumberland Dialect (Carlisle 1805)
Anderson, Ryan T. When Harry Became Sally (New York 2018)
Anderson, Sherwood Dark Laughter (New York 1925)
Anderson, Sherwood Winesburg, Ohio (New York 1937)
Anderson, Thomas Your Own Beloved Sons (London 1956)
Anderson, William C. Adam M-1 (London 1965)
Anderson, William C. Bat-21 (Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1980)
Anderson, William C. Penelope (New York 1963)
Anderson Intelligencer (Anderson Court House, SC 1860-1914)
‘Andom, R.’ (pseud. Alfred W. Barrett) Martha and I (London 1898)
‘Andom, R.’ (pseud. Alfred W. Barrett) Neighbours of Mine (London 1912)
Andrew, Dave Dave’s Book of Aussie Slang (Sydney 2022)
Andrew County Republican (Savannah, MO 1890-1913)
Andrewes, G. A Stranger’s Guide to the Frauds of London (London 1808)
Andrewes, G. Dictionary of Slang and Cant (London 1809)
Andrewes, George The Stranger’s Guide or the Frauds of London Detected (London 1808)
Andrews, Malachi; Owens, Paul T. Black Language (Los Angeles, CA 1973)
Andrews, Miles Peter Belphegor (London 1778)
Andrews, Miles Peter Better Late than Never (London 1790)
Andrews, Miles Peter The Election (London 1774)
Andrews, Miles Peter Fire and Water! (London 1780) [London 1790]
Andrews, Miles Peter The Mysteries of the Castle (London 1795)
An Entire New List of All the Sporting Ladies Entered to run here; — with a particular Account of their Pedigrees and Performances (broadsheet) (c.1780)
A Newgate Ex-prisoner A Warning for House-Keepers (London 1676)
A New plot newly discovered, by the help of the London belman, of wicked and hellish conspiracies against the peace of this kingdom ... with a term kept in hell by Don Belzebub to try causes in that principality (London 1685)
A new summons, to warn all bawds and whores, to the gossiping of the temple-twins (London 1695)
Angelou, Maya Gather Together In My Name (New York 1974)
Angelou, Maya Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water ’fore I Diiie (New York 1971)
Anglia (citations from article on Black English in southern US) (Germany)
Anhalt, Edward; Miller, J.P. The Young Savages (Hollywood, CA 1960)
‘An Indian Officer’ How I Spent My Two Years’ Leave (London 1875)
Annals of Sporting & Fancy Gazette (London 1822-8)
Annistor Star (Anniston, AL 1919-)
Annual Register (London 1758-)
Annual Register (London 1758-)
‘A-No. 1’ (pseud. Leon Ray Livingston) The Curse of Tramp Life (Erie, PA 1912)
‘A-No. 1’ (pseud. Leon Ray Livingston) From Coast to Coast with Jack London (Erie, PA 1917)
‘A-No. 1’ (pseud. Leon Ray Livingston) Here and there with A-No. 1 (Erie, PA 1921)
‘A-No. 1’ (pseud. Leon Ray Livingston) The Mother of the Hoboes (Erie, PA 1918)
‘A-No. 1’ (pseud. Leon Ray Livingston) The Snare of the Road (Erie, PA 1916)
‘An Officer of the Line’ Military Sketch-book (London 1827)
Anonymous A Brown Dozen of Drunkards (London 1648)
Anonymous A Canting Academy, or, the Pedlar’s-French Dictionary 12th edn (London 1741)
Anonymous A Character of London-Village (London 1684)
Anonymous A Garland of New Songs (Newcastle, UK 1790–1815)
Anonymous A Gentleman Instructed (London 1704; 9th edn London 1732)
Anonymous A Knight’s Conjuring (London 1607)
Anonymous A Litany from Geneva (London 1682)
Anonymous A Merrie Dialogue between Band, Cuffe, and Ruffe (London 1615)
Anonymous A Merry Knack to Know a Knave (London 1594)
Anonymous A Merry Song Called Love in a Barn (London 1815)
Anonymous The Amorous Miller’s Garland (Newcastle, UK 1740)
Anonymous An Essay on the Art of Strangling (London 1791)
Anonymous A New Canting Dictionary (London 1725)
Anonymous A New Merry Letany (London 1647)
Anonymous Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Matrimony (London 1706)
Anonymous Answer to the Fifteen Comforts of Whoring (London 1706)
Anonymous A Puff at the Guinea Pigs (London 1795)
Anonymous Arden of Feversham (London 1592)
Anonymous The Art of Meditation over an House of Office (London 1726)
Anonymous The Art of Pickpocketing (London c.1810–20) [Hastings, UK 1992]
Anonymous A Treatise upon Publicans (London 1780)
Anonymous A View of London and Westminster, or, The Town Spy (1st part) (London 1725)
Anonymous A View of London and Westminster, or, The Town Spy (second part) (London 1725)
Anonymous A Yorkshire Tragedy (London 1608) [see Sturgess, William (ed.)]
Anonymous The Bang-Up Songster (London 1834)
Anonymous The Banquet of Thalia, Or, The Fashionable Songsters Pocket Memorial (London 1788)
Anonymous Batchelar’s Jovial Fellows Collection of Songs (London 1810)
Anonymous Batchelar’s Vocal Bazaar (London 1830)
Anonymous The Benefit of Farting Explained (London 1722)
Anonymous Beppo in London (London 1819)
Anonymous The Bilker Bilk’d (London 1742)
Anonymous The Black Joke (London 1834)
Anonymous The Bog-House and Glass-Window Miscellany (London 1744)
Anonymous The Boke of Mayd Emlyn (London c.1520) [see Hazlitt, William C. (ed.) Vol. IV]
Anonymous Both Sides of the Gutter (Dublin 1789)
Anonymous The Brahamian Songster (London 1815)
Anonymous Broad Arrow Jack (London 1866)
Anonymous Bryant’s Songs from Dixie’s Land (New York 1861)
Anonymous Buck’s Delight (London 1770)
Anonymous The Button Hole Garland (Newcastle, UK 1750)
Anonymous Captain Clutterbuck’s Champagne (London 1862)
Anonymous The Catterpillers of this Nation Anatomized (London 1659)
Anonymous Champagne Charley Songster (New York 1867)
Anonymous Chap Book Songs (Limerick, Ireland c.1790)
Anonymous The Character of the Beaux (London 1696)
Anonymous Cheats of London Exposed (London 1770)
Anonymous Chickens Feed Capons (London 1731)
Anonymous Chloe Surpriz’d (Dublin/London 1732)
Anonymous The Citie Matrons (London 1654)
Anonymous The Cobbler of Canterbury (London 1590)
Anonymous The Cockchafer (London 1836)
Anonymous Cocke Lorelles Bote (London 1515) [London 1843]
Anonymous Collection of English Ballads and Chapbooks (London 1733)
Anonymous Colyn Blowbols Testament (London c.1510) [see Hazlitt, William C. (ed.) Vol. I]
Anonymous Comical History of Simple John (London 1785)
Anonymous The Comic Almanack (London 1835–43)
Anonymous Comic Songs (London 1878)
Anonymous The Comic Songster and Gentleman’s Private Cabinet (London 1836)
Anonymous Confessions of an English Hachish-Eater (London 1884)
Anonymous Confessions of Lady Beatrice (London c.1900)
Anonymous The Constable’s Hue and Cry (London 1700)
Anonymous The Covent Garden Jester 2nd edn (London 1785)
Anonymous The Cuckold’s Nest (London 1837–8)
Anonymous Cythera’s Hymnal, or, Flakes from the Foreskin (London 1870)
Anonymous Danger Overhead Junkie (York, UK 1997)
Anonymous The Delicious Chanter (London 1834)
Anonymous Derby Day (London 1864)
Anonymous De Trouble Begins at Nine (London/New York 1864) [see Williams, Henry Llewellyn (ed.) Darkey Drama 1]
Anonymous Dialogue Between a Married Lady and a Maid (London 1740)
Anonymous Dialogue Between a Yorkshire Alderman and a Salamanca Doctor (London 1683)
Anonymous Dialogue Between Mistress Macquerella a Suburban Whore (London 1650)
Anonymous The Donnybrook-Fair Comic Songster (New York 1863)
Anonymous The Dublin Comic Songster (Dublin 1841)
Anonymous The English Liberal Science, or, A New-found Art and Order of Drinking (London 1650)
Anonymous The Entertaining Companion (London 1770)
Anonymous Eve Revived (London 1684)
Anonymous The Extraordinary Trial of Miss Mary Ann Ticklewig (London 1818)
Anonymous Facetiae (London 1831) (including Margate)
Anonymous Facetiae Americana (New York 1925)
Anonymous Fanny Hill’s Bang-up Reciter (London 1835)
Anonymous The Farmer of Chappaqua Songster (New York 1872)
Anonymous The Female Wits (London 1697)
Anonymous The Fifteen Comforts of Being a Maid (London 1707)
Anonymous The Fifteen Comforts of Cuckoldom (London 1706)
Anonymous The Fifteen Comforts of Matrimony (London 1706)
Anonymous The Fifteen Plagues of a Maiden-Head (London 1707)
Anonymous Fights for the Championship (London 1855)
Anonymous Five Years’ Penal Servitude (by ‘One Who Has Endured It’) (London 1877)
Anonymous The Flash Casket (London 1836)
Anonymous The Flash Chaunter (London 1834)
Anonymous The Flash Dictionary (London 1821)
Anonymous Flossie: A Venus of Fifteen (London 1902)
Anonymous Forbidden Fruit (London 1898)
Anonymous Four for a Penny, or, Poor Robin’s Character of a Pawnbroker (London 1678)
Anonymous The Frere and the Boy ed. Thomas Wright (London c.1350) [London 1836]
Anonymous The Friar and Boy, or, The Young Piper’s Pleasant Pastime (London 1750)
Anonymous The Frisky Vocalist (London 1836)
Anonymous From Fetter Lane to Gravesend (London/New York 1870) [see Williams, Henry Llewellyn (ed.) Darkey Drama 5]
Anonymous Fun Alive O! A Capital Collection of Flash, Slang, Comic and Queer Songs (London 1833)
Anonymous The Gentleman’s Bottle Companion (Edinburgh 1760) [London 1768]
Anonymous The Gentleman’s Spicey Songster (London 1841)
Anonymous The Gentleman Steeple-Chaser (London 1841)
Anonymous The Genuine Trial of Charles Drew for the Murder of His Own Father (London 1740)
Anonymous Gesta Grayorum (London 1594) [London 1688]
Anonymous The Gossips Braule (London 1655)
Anonymous The Grant Songster (Chicago 1868)
Anonymous The Green Linnet (Dublin c.1820)
Anonymous The Groundworke of Conny-Catching (London 1592)
Anonymous Hamel, Obeah Man 2 vols. (London 1827)
Anonymous Hell upon Earth or [...] History of Whittington’s Colledge (London 1703)
Anonymous Hepster’s Dictionary for Cool Kats and Jolly Dollies (San Jose, CA 1954)
Anonymous Hickscorner (London 1512)
Anonymous Hills and Plains 2 vols. (London 1861)
Anonymous History of Colonel Francis Charteris (London 1730)
Anonymous The History of Jack Horner (London 1750; Falkirk, UK 1823)
Anonymous The History of Jacob and Esau (London 1568) [London 1874]
Anonymous History of Jonathan Wild (London 1725)
Anonymous History of Peter and Betteries (Edinburgh 1785)
Anonymous History of the Human Heart, or, The Adventures of a Young Gentleman (London 1749)
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