Green’s Dictionary of Slang

stump v.1

1. (Can.) to challenge (usu. to a fight), to dare.

[UK]J. Adams Diary Works II 204: Keen [...] stumped Soule, the moderator, to lay down the money to prevent a tax upon the poor [DA].
[US]‘Jonathan Slick’ High Life in N.Y. II 208: I was a darned old chucklehead to stump you to strike me.
W.M. Thayer From Log-Cabin 73: I stump you to do it [DA].
[US] ‘Central Connecticut Word-List’ in DN III:i 22: stump, v. To challenge.
[US]H.A. White ‘A Word-List From Central New York’ in DN III:viii 569: stump, v. To dare. ‘I stump you to jump off that stack.’ Sometimes to invite. ‘I stump you to go fishing.’.
[US]Sat. Eve. Post 11 Sept. 150/4: I’ll stump you to jump down [DA].

2. (US) to put up a fight.

[US]Abbeville Banner (SC) 19 June 1/5: Don’t let him stump you, give him one on his nigger head!!