Green’s Dictionary of Slang

soutpiel n.

[Afk. sout, salt + piel, penis; thus lit. ‘salt-dick’, because he has one foot in South Africa, one in England and his penis dangling in the ocean in between. Despite the date, as cited in DSAE, it must be assumed that the term is much older, but left unprinted through taboo; thus Namibian synon. sandpiele, in this case the penis rests on the burning sands of the Kalahari desert]

1. (S.Afr.) an Englishman, esp. one who has a notably colonialist mentality.

[UK]P. Driscoll Wilby Conspiracy (1991) 151: What does she want with Bushmen and bolsheviks and a kaffir-loving soutpiel like you? [...] That’s what we call an Englishman. Saltprick.
[SA]R. Malan My Traitor’s Heart (1991) 75: Their accents betrayed them as soutpiels – ‘salt dicks.’ A soutpiel was an Englishman with one foot in South Africa and the other in England – a straddle so broad that his cock dangles in the sea.
[SA]A. Lovejoy Acid Alex 17: They in turn called us Soutpiele and Rooineke. [Ibid.] 45: Two of us weren’t Afrikaans. I realised this might be a problem when I introduced myself. Bokkie looked at JP in horror: – We gotta fokken soutpiel, JP!
[SA]Mail and Guardian (Johannesburg) 17 May 🌐 I have Dutchmen friends who call me soutpiel. I love it [...] One foot in England, one foot somewhere near Bloemfontein.

2. attrib. use of sense 1.

[US]K.W. Bilby The General 271: A firm, nonchalant tone that I could not imagine his soutpiel son-in-law ever quite mastering.