Green’s Dictionary of Slang

full on adv.

[full on adj.]

(Aus.) completely, whole-heartedly.

[US]D. Jenkins Life Its Ownself (1985) 57: She would be all-out, full-on, no-holds-barred tolerant.
[Aus]M.B. ‘Chopper’ Read Chopper From The Inside 18: Had Terry carried on and entered the criminal world full on, he would have been a force to be reckoned with.
[Aus]D. McDonald Luck in the Greater West (2008) 104: The dickheads who [...] were full-on into the religion.
[Aus]me-stepmums-too-fuckin-hot-mate at 🌐 You’re pretty cute [...] so I kinda went an’ full-on pashed you.