Green’s Dictionary of Slang

jimmy (riddle) n.

also J.R.
[rhy. sl.; Jimmy Riddle = piddle n.]

an act of urination; and as a request to use the lavatory (cf. gerry riddle n.).

[UK]J. Franklyn This Gutter Life 212: Four’r us – all been on the booze – dunno where – come out for a jimmy-riddle, and I losht ’em!
[UK]L. Payne private coll. n.p.: Piddle Jimmy Riddle.
R. Fuller Ruined Boys 10: Come and have a Jimmy Riddle .
[UK]S.T. Kendall Up the Frog 12: Shan’t be a cock linnet – just going for a Jimmy Riddle.
[UK]‘P.B. Yuill’ Hazell and the Three-card Trick (1977) 94: I was also needing a Jimmy Riddle.
[UK]Barltrop & Wolveridge Muvver Tongue 11: The rhyming expressions which do get used regularly. ‘Can I have one of your Jimmy Riddles?’ (May I use your toilet?’).
[UK]A. Payne ‘You Need Hands’ in Minder [TV script] 47: I’m dying for a jimmy but I daren’t go in case they move on. [Ibid.] 57: Arthur stops, prepares to have a J.R.
[Scot]I. Rankin Strip Jack 195: Gone for the proverbial jimmy.
[UK]Roger’s Profanisaurus in Viz 87 Dec. n.p.: Jimmy Riddle rhyming slang Vicar friendly term for a piddle.
[UK]K. Waterhouse Soho 170: He had a pressing desire for a jimmy riddle.
[US]NY Times 8 Nov. 🌐 If you have to piddle, you say ‘Jimmy Riddle’.