Green’s Dictionary of Slang

spud n.3

[? SE spud, a digging fork with three broad prongs or dial. spud, a stumpy thing ]

1. a potato.

[NZ]E.J. Wakefield Adventure in N.Z. I 319: Pigs and potatoes were respectively represented by ‘grunters’ and ‘spuds’.
[Aus]Bell’s Life in Sydney 12 Feb. 2/7: He used to vend ‘spuds’ and he had got into such a habit of selling the taters with his shirt-sleeves rucked up.
[US]C. Abbey diary 2 June in Gosnell Before the Mast (1989) 44: Galley Talk. Cook give us that ‘’orse’ & the ‘spuds’.
[UK] ‘A Political Litany’ in C. Hindley Curiosities of Street Lit. (1871) 76: There arose in the land of Spuds tribes of men who call themselves Feenanites.
[Aus]C. Money Knocking About in N.Z. 68: We determined to get some dried apples, make a good duff, and put on a pot of spuds.
[UK]G.A. Sala in Living London (1883) May 186: I find ‘Spuddy’ given as a seller of bad potatoes, while ‘spuds’ are defined as a low-life term for raw potatoes.
[US]G. Davis Recoll. Sea-Wanderer 289: There are other terms in common use in the cabin and cook's galley [...] Potatoes are spuds, rice is swampseed, beans are tornadoes, snappers or band of music, and bean soup is snapper soup.
[Aus]H. Lawson ‘Board and Residence’ in Roderick (1972) 174: Dinner [...] three new spuds, of which the largest is about the size of an ordinary hen’s egg.
[UK]Blackburn Wkly Standard 3 Dec. 10/2: He says, ‘You can’t go now. You must clear th’ spuds orf ther front board’.
[UK]Marvel 21 Dec. 15: Dont be stingi wid the spuds!
[US]H. Green Maison De Shine 162: Gimme a few o’ them spuds.
[Aus]Sport (Adelaide) 31 Jan. 10/1: A.H., the spud hawker, must have a lot of trouble with his fruit and vegetables .
[US] in Columbia Press Yank Talk 10: The boys line up for chow, And soon the slum and spuds will say, ‘We’re in the army now!’.
[Aus]H. Lawson ‘Bob the Baker and British Breeding’ in Roderick (1972) 924: I [...] was promoted to spud-peeling when the spud-peeler-in-chief got drunk at Melbourne.
[US]‘Dean Stiff’ ‘Chicken Soup’ in Milk and Honey Route 126: They were cooking in the jungle / Where the lonely chickens stray, / And I frisked some spuds and onions / Just to pass the time away.
[Aus]A. Gurney Bluey & Curley 5 June [synd. cartoon strip] The cooks [...] use submarines to dive to the bottom of the pots to see if the spuds are cooked.
[UK]S. Jackson An Indiscreet Guide to Soho 44: Great potato-eaters, they were! Why, we thought nothing of selling 25 tons of spuds a week!
[US]J. Jones From Here to Eternity (1998) 40: Before the kitchen screen-door, sitting in the sun, was a KP peeling spuds.
[UK]W. Hall Long and the Short and the Tall Act II: They were giving us fruit salad twice a day and dehydrated spuds.
[Aus]‘Nino Culotta’ Cop This Lot 44: Only thing I can’t take is spuds fer breakfast.
[UK]A. Burgess Enderby Outside in Complete Enderby (2002) 367: A grumbling huddle of boiled spuds.
[UK]B.S. Johnson All Bull 34: The food in the cookhouse [...] had become becalmed on a diet of spuds, canned meat and cabbage.
[UK]T. Wilkinson Down and Out 36: I peeled a ton of spuds in that fucking kitchen.
[Aus]T. Winton Lockie Leonard: Scumbuster (1995) 141: A mouthful of mashed spud.
[UK]N. ‘Razor’ Smith A Few Kind Words and a Loaded Gun 279: It was a lovely punch and he went down like a sack of spuds.
[UK]K. Richards Life 525: Before you spread the spuds on top, you chop up some more onions.
C. Merrigan ‘The Gleaner’s Union’ in ThugLit Sept./Oct. [ebook] Cora sat by the stove, skinning spuds.
[Aus]N. Cummins Tales of the Honey Badger [ebook] I went down like a sack of spuds.

2. (W.I.) a ripe banana.

[WI]cited in Cassidy & LePage Dict. Jam. Eng. (1980).

3. a nickname for an Irishman [note 19C US little potato skin, an Irish child].

[UK](con. WWI) Fraser & Gibbons Soldier and Sailor Words 267: Spud: An Irishman.
[US]A.J. Pollock Und. Speaks.
[US]K. Huff A Steady Rain I i: You might think it, but that seminar ain’t gonna make one fly shit fleck of difference [...] ’cause you’re the wrong fuckin’ color, spud.
Twitter 2 Mar. 🌐 Welcome aboard, chum! In fairness, you've done more than most of us to protect Irish heritage - you're an honorary spud already, Neil.

4. any person.

[US]Sun (NY) 9 Sept. 1/3: The warm spud looked at me out of a pair of big, round, blue lamps.
[UK]M. Marshall Travels of Tramp-Royal 93: Though the auld missus may have been overfond of a mouthful [...] she was a real good spud otherwise.
[US]J. Stahl I, Fatty 182: He was asking if you’re the spud who made her a mother.

5. (US Und.) a revolver; a pistol.

[US]Goldin et al. DAUL 205/1: Spud. (Obs.) A pistol or revolver.

6. (N.Z. teen/US) a general term of abuse.

[US]L. Heinemann Paco’s Story (1987) 154: Hey, spud, next time y’all come to the field, bring something with you.
[US]Ian Dury ‘Mash It Up Harry’ 🎵 Don’t call Harry a human potato, don’t call Harry a spud.
[Aus] G. Johnstone ‘No Through Road’ in Crime Factory: Hard Labour [ebook] It’s a fucken collectible, you spud.

7. (US) a child, a young person.

[US]B. Hamper Rivethead (1992) 118: We weren’t carefree spuds any more. We were thirtyfuckin’something.

8. (N.Z. prison) a Māori prison officer seen as treating white inmates better than Māoris [they are ‘brown on the outside but white on the inside’].

[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 175/1: spud n. 1 a Māori prison officer perceived as treating Pākehā inmates more fairly and generously than Māori inmates.

9. see potato n. (3)

In compounds

spud barber (n.)

one who peels potatoes, thus spud-barbering, potato peeling.

Dly Examiner (Grafton, NSW) 18 Feb. 4/4: [T]heir training of six to twelve months [...] in the Coastal Battalion, compared with the ‘Diggers,’ six to eight weeks or less, mostly ‘Spud Barbering’ at Liverpool.
[Aus]Australiasian (Melbourne) 22 Oct. 49/3: ‘Mv first collar was off-side cook and spud barber at a tank-sinking ‘caper’.
[Can]Leader-Post (Regina, Saskatchewan) 8 Aug. 29/3: A cooky gets abused by all, fro the captain down to the lowest spud barber.
[US]A.J. Pollock Und. Speaks n.p.: Spud barber, a potato peeler (prison).
Press (Canterbury) 2 Apr. 18: [A] ‘spud barber’ was on cook-house fatigue.
[Aus]R. Rivett Behind Bamboo 399/1: Spud barber, a potato peeler.
[Aus](con. 1936–46) K.S. Prichard Winged Seeds (1984) 351: Oh, well, afterwards I was a good spud-barber.
[US]Wausau Dly Herald (WI) 16 Apr. 4/6: In the New Zealand army a ‘spud barber’ is a soldier asigned to KP, peeling potatoes.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. 198: spud-barber The potato peeler, originally in the army, WWI.
spud-bashing (n.) [bash v. (1); orig. milit. use, when the job was compulsory and part of kitchen fatigues, thus spud-bash, to peel potatoes]

the activity of peeling potatoes.

[UK]J. MacLaren-Ross ‘I Had to Go Sick’ in Memoirs of the Forties (1984) 258: I got out quick before he gave me scrubbing or spud-bashing.
[UK]Derby Dly Teleg. 7 Sept. 6/3: A British Company [i.e. of soldiers] has adopted two Korean youths and put them to work in the cookhouse [...] They were soon hard at it ‘spud-bashing’.
[UK]Picture Post 13 Nov. 60: But fatigues of the old-fashioned, spud-bashing type, are becoming rarer.
[UK]A. Wesker Chips with Everything II iv: Anything from dishwashing to salvage, from spud-bashing to coal-heaving.
[UK]Observer (London) 22 Oct. 39/2: A chance to get [...] the chaps to learn something [...] more skilled than spud-bashng.
Palm Beach Post (FL) 27 May F6/5: Potato-peeling was cited in 1940 as spud-bashing.
[UK]Guardian 29 Mar. 88/4: You’re not a spud-bashing squaddie.
[UK]J. Meades Empty Wigs (t/s) 426: ‘Nothing I don’t know about spud bashing. What they made us do for jankers’.
spud-islander (n.) [the high quality of its potatoes]

a native or inhabitant of Prince Edward Island, Canada.

‘A Taste of Canada’ on 🌐 The most famous ‘Spud Islander’ (PEI’s nickname comes from its potato farming) has to be Lucy Maud Montgomery, the author of Anne of Green Gables.
spud juice (n.)

1. any form of illegally distilled alcohol, based on potatoes, e.g. poteen [juice n.1 (3a)] .

[US]Pittsburgh Dly Post (PA) 6 Mar. 13/6: It is not spuds but spud juice that makes the Irish seek glory in the trenches [...] The juice of the potatoes is poteen.
Lansing State Jrnl (MI) 5 Feb. 9/2: A quarrel developed after the group had engaged in a ‘spud juice’ drinking spree.
World’s News (Sydney) 12 Mar. 31/1: Seen a bloke once pretty crook on drinkin’ home-brewed spud juice and metho.
Lansing State Jrnl (MI) 5 May 8/4: Outsiders probably haven’t heart of ‘spud juice’ — a potent concoction of potatoes, yeast, sugar and water.
[US](con. 1960s) D. Goines Black Gangster (1991) 13: I got some good spud-juice lined up.
Battle Creek Enquirer (MI) 9 June 13/1: Inamtes high on ‘spud juice’ [...] involved in an outbreak iof violence.

2. semen [juice n.1 (2)].

[UK]Roger’s Profanisaurus in Viz 87 Dec. n.p.: tatty water (ta-tee-wa-ta) n. Spud juice; semen. Literally – potato water.
[UK]M. Manning Get Your Cock Out 60: Battering all mighty hell out of their monkey spanners in appreciation of a lady’s charms and squirting their watery spud juice all down their crusty pants.
spud-miner (n.)

(Aus.) a peasant.

[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 15 Oct. 13/1: The doctor mounted his chariot, and followed in the wake of the spud-miner’s go car.
spud-muncher (n.)

(Aus.) an Irishman, a Roman Catholic.

[Aus](con. 1943) G.S. Manson Irish Fandango [ebook] ‘Jesus Christ, go and get fucked, you spud-munching prick’.
spuds and swimmers (n.)

fish and chips.

[UK]Marvel 21 Dec. 15: I mooched in 2 Missis Murfy’s an ad sum moar spuds and swimmers.
spudwater (n.)

thin, watery semen.

Urban Dict. 🌐 gods salad dressing spunk, spaff, jism, baby gravy, mucky spud water, gentlemans relish. need i say more.

In phrases

get one’s spuds cooked (v.)

(Aus. teen) to receive a beating.

[Aus](con. 1960s-70s) T. Taylor Top Fellas 29/1: Occasionally one of the gang-busters found himself in the wrong place [...] and got his spuds cooked but good.
love spuds (n.)

the testicles.

[UK]Roger’s Profanisaurus in Viz 87 Dec. n.p.: love spuds euph. A root vegetable found in the shreddies (qv); knackers.
Twitter 26 Aug. 🌐 [‘speaker’ is a dog] When they kidnap my love spuds they’ll do a biopsy on my nose.