Green’s Dictionary of Slang

steamboats adj.

[? steamed (up) adj.]

very drunk.

[Scot] M. Munro Patter 65: steamboats A picturesque if somewhat inexplicable word for drunk: ‘Look at the state of him – steamboats again!’.
[Scot]I. Welsh Trainspotting 116: Rents is pretty steamboats, cause ah’m feelin it n aw n ah kin drink that red-heided cunt under the fuckin table.
[UK]J.J. Connolly Layer Cake 224: Have a double when the time comes. Don’t be getting steamboats and sloppy.
[Ire]G. Coughlan Everyday Eng. and Sl. 🌐 Steamed, Steamboats (v): very drunk – ‘we’re getting steamed (steamboats) tonight’.