Green’s Dictionary of Slang

one, two, three adj.

(US) standing out, performing well, succeeding (in comparison with).

[US]C.L. Cullen Tales of the Ex-Tanks 122: Yez’ll make a good road-mendher [...] but as a hobo yeez is not wan, two, t’ree. [Ibid.] 136: That [...] bunch that we had back here in New York twelve or thirteen years ago wasn’t one, two, three.
[US]Van Loan ‘For the Pictures’ in Taking the Count 337: On a dry track that dawg wouldn’t have been one, two, nowheres.
[US]F. Hurst ‘White Goods’ in Humoresque 152: Them ain’t one-two-three-six to the duds I’m going to hang on you.