Green’s Dictionary of Slang

destroyed adj.

1. exhausted.

[US]M.A. Crane ‘Miscellany’ in AS XXXIII:3 225: You can be hung if you are merely tired, in which case you are also destroyed, wiped out, and wasted.
[Ire]H. Leonard Out After Dark 19: It’s all hours, I’m destroyed.

2. (drugs) under the influence of either drugs or drink.

[US]M.A. Crane ‘Miscellany’ in AS XXXIII:3 225: Drunks are hung, too, as well as fractured, blind, and destroyed.
[US]E.E. Landy Underground Dict. (1972).
[US]E. Folb Runnin’ Down Some Lines 177: Terms like [...] destroyed refer not only to potentially distasteful or devastating drug experiences, but also characterize an ugly woman.
[UK]Guardian G2 11 Nov. 6: A few years of being rat-arsed, smashed, loaded, leathered, pissed, destroyed.