Green’s Dictionary of Slang

creased adj.

[crease v.; underpinned by the image of one’s body bent double with laughter or tiredness; thus ‘creasing’ at the waist]

1. exhausted, tired out.

[UK](con. WWI) Fraser & Gibbons Soldier and Sailor Words 66: Creased, To Be: Fainted. Laid out.
[UK]S. Murray Legionnaire 64: [W]e are creased at the end of the day and need every minute of sleep we can get.

2. collapsing in laughter.

[UK]Partridge DSUE (8th edn) 268/1: since late 1940s.
Twitter 6 May 🌐 I would so love to see the out takes! Clearly had to cut when you’ve all been falling about creased with laughter!