Green’s Dictionary of Slang

autumn n.

[play on go off with the fall of the leaf under leaf n.]

death by hanging.

[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc. (2nd edn) 91: Autumn a slang term for an execution by hanging. When the drop was introduced instead of the old gallows, cart, and ladder, and a man was for the first time ‘turned-off’ in the present fashion, the mob were so pleased with the invention that they spoke of the operation as at autumn, or the fall of the leaf.
[UK]Pembs. Herald (Wales) 8 May 4/3: Puns produce odd new terms, as when the old hangman's machinery of cart and ladder was superseded by the ‘drop,’ and the appreciating crowd spoke of its being ‘autumn’ with the criminal, meaning the ‘fall of the leaf’.