Green’s Dictionary of Slang

pro v.


(N.Z.) to take out a prohibition order against a heavy drinker.

D. Davin Roads from Home 12: Nellie, you should have him pro’d. The magistrate’d give you the order all right and not a publican [...] would dare serve him a drop [DNZE].
D. Davin No Remittance 198: ‘Sorry, I’m not allowed to serve you.’ ‘Why not, I say?’ ‘Well,’ he looked at my friends and tried to say it quietly but they heard all right, ‘your wife’s had you pro’d.’ Imagine it, a prohibition order taken out against me. And they say it’s a man’s world, when a woman can stop her husband buying a drink. Not just buying one either, she can even stop him from getting his friends to buy him one [DNZE].
[NZ]G. Slatter Pagan Game 163: Been hitting it along too hard. His wife is going to pro him.