Green’s Dictionary of Slang

crimmo n.

[abbr. + -o sfx (3)]

(Aus./N.Z./S.Afr.) a criminal.

Here and Now Nov. 14: Most crimmos don’t take much notice of that five times daily insult, the search [DNZE].
[NZ]I. Hamilton Till Human Voices Wake Us 17: I never saw a clean lockup and I never heard a conchie or a crimmo mention one.
Jerusalem Daybook 42: Everybody knows that the Jerusalem community is a crowd of wierdos [sic], no-hopers, drop-outs, mad people, crimmos, thieves and junkies [DNZE].
[UK]Listener 13 Oct. 47: He supports his arguments with vivid word pictures of [prison] incidents and inmates, both crimmo and conchie [DNZE].
[US]Daily Dispatch (S. Afr.) Online 24 Apr. 🌐 We are all aware of some wayward crimmos who instituted court actions to have sex in prison with their partners.
posting at 🌐 If some of the crimmo’s [sic] just got on a board and into the surf, they’d see that theirs [sic] more to life.