Green’s Dictionary of Slang

barrel-ass n.

also barrelarse
[SE barrel/barrel n.1 (2) + ass n. (2)/arse n. (1)]

(US) a fat person.

[[UK]‘Philip Foulface’ Bacchus’ Bountie in Harleian Misc. II (1809) 308: The eighteenth was one Baudwin Barrelbelly].
[M. Sutfliffe The blessings on Mount Gerizzim 318: But all his bombasted words will not make me swell so big, as Toadlike Parsons with his barrelbelly].
[US]R. Mende Spit and the Stars 160: That barrel-ass Johnson is making us memorize about a million of them speeches.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. 17: barrelarse Short and stubby person.