Green’s Dictionary of Slang

rocked adj.

[i.e. they have ‘rocks in the head’]

1. forgetful, esp. used of an ex-prisoner whose mental state has been affected by their punishment, whether prison or transportation.

[Aus]Vaux Vocab. of the Flash Lang. in McLachlan (1964) 262: rock’d superannuated, forgetful, absent in mind; old lags are commonly said to be thus affected, probably caused by the sufferings they have undergone.

2. (US campus) drunk or drugged.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Mar. 8: stoned – showing the effects of using drugs, Also, cracked, fried, rocked.
[US]Eble Sl. and Sociability 127: Slang terms for drunkenness from just the two school years 1990–92 show great linguistic energy: [...] ripskated, rocked.
[US]R. Price Lush Life 128: When I’m good and rocked, I get into this zone where I can tell myself I’m physically more this, or more that .

3. (US campus) in a state of excitement.

[US]Eble Campus Sl. Apr.