Green’s Dictionary of Slang

enzed n.

also NZed, N.Z.
[abbr./pron. of initial letters]
(Aus./ N.Z.)

1. New Zealand.

[NZ]Eve. Post (Wellington) 19 Mar. 3/4: [advt.] Back to dear old ‘Enzed’ once more / And mighty glad you are, too.
[NZ]Truth (Wellington) 4 Nov. 12/3: Lewis is now to meet Maddox at Ashburton for the feather championship of Enzed.
[NZ]Truth (Wellington) 16 Aug. 9/4: If there are any other lady coaches in Enzed besides Mrs Martin of Green Island we have not yet heard of them.
[NZ]Truth (Wellington) 23 Oct. 17/2: All proposals to bring an overseas tennis combination to Enzed this season having fallen flat [etc.].
[NZ]Eve. Post (Wellington) 6 Nov. 6/5: [letter] Will the government earn everyone‘s respect by a display of sufficient backbone [...] I am, etc. En Zed.
[NZ]McGill Dict. of Kiwi Sl. 43/1: En Zed phonetically New Zealand, its inhabitants En Zedders.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. [as cit. 1988].
P. Temple ‘High Art’ in The Red Hand 20: ‘Big man’s going to NZed tonight’.

2. attrib. use of sense 1.

[Aus]Aussie (France) XIII Apr. 4/1: Billo out of the 32nd swapped uniforms with an Enzed bloke, and had fourteen days up the Rhine, while his Enzed cobber did the heavy as an Aussie round Amiens.
[NZ]Truth (Wellington) 13 sdec. 15/4: The performance made him [i.e. a racehorse] an Enzed proposition.
[NZ]Truth (Wellington) 23 Oct. 17/2: he could not spare the time from his practice as a solicitor to defend his Enzed title.
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3. (also enzedder) a New Zealander.

[Aus]Aussie (France) XI Feb. 12/1: [I]t shows that we have won the regard and friendship of our splendid cobbers, the Enzeds.
[UK](con. WWI) E. Lynch Somme Mud 139: And we’d change places with the N.Z.s now.
[NZ]Eve. Post (Wellington) 24 Oct. 9/5: ‘Enzed’ writes at length to ‘The Post’ on ‘The Yellow Peril,’ basing his remarks upon tho statements recently made by the ex-Kaiser.
[NZ]Eve. Post (Wellington) 14 July 8/6: As an ‘Enzedder’ I take my hat off to the British team.
[NZ]P.L. Soljak N.Z. 117: New Zealanders have coined or adapted many expressions to meet local requirements, as illustrated by the following: [...] Enzedder: New Zealander.
[Aus]L. Glassop Lucky Palmer 83: [of a horse] Reed let the Enzedder go and he shot away with a winning break.
[Aus]N. Pulliam I Travelled a Lonely Land (1957) 25: New Zealand is variously the Quaky or the Shaky Islands [...] and its inhabitants are Enzedders.
[Aus] ‘Whisper All Aussie Dict.’ in Kings Cross Whisper (Sydney) xxxiv 4/5: enzedder: A New Zealander.
see sense 1.
[Aus]B. Moore Lex. of Cadet Lang. 21: Enzedders have sex with sheep — they have to. More sheep there than women.
see sense 1.