Green’s Dictionary of Slang

pitcher n.2

[SE pitch, the place in the street where such an individual works]

1. (UK Und.) a person who passes counterfeit coins or other fraudulent items.

[UK]Bell’s New Wkly Messenger 9 Mar. 6/2: The several descriptions of London thieves are [...] pitchers, or those who do so by passing off one thing for another; .
[UK]Sl. Dict. 255: Pitch to utter base coin. [...] The confederacy is divided into makers, buyers, holders, and pitchers. The maker probably never sees the actual passers of base money, [...] while the pitcher, often a woman ― indeed, more often than not ― runs the actual risk.
[UK]J.W. Horsley Jottings from Jail 31: London for sharpers, Brummagem for thieves, Paris for flymen, Sheffield for pitchers of snyde.
[UK]J. Caminada Twenty-Five Years of Detective Life I 450: These passers of base coin worked in couples – one holding the ‘swag,’ or bag containing the stock, whilst the ‘smasher,’ or ‘pitcher,’ took one at a time, so that in case of detection no more than one could be found upon him.

2. a street vendor.

[UK]W. Newton Secrets of Tramp Life Revealed 13: They are called ‘Pitchers.’ They have a mode of living by standing at street corners [...] and will have for sale what they call ‘Brummagem Balls’.
[UK]P. Allingham Cheapjack 210: I wanted to make a lot of money and I wanted to become a pitcher.
[UK]Yorks. Post 23 May 6/5: The Pitcher’s Jargon [...] The modern ‘pitcher’ must have a good apperance, a clear and resonant voice, and a considerable knowledge of crowd psychology.

3. (drugs) a drug dealer, esp. when working on the street and actually handing over the drugs to the buyer.

[US]T. Williams Crackhouse 14: When they walk through ‘drug-copping zones’ (drug-selling locations) and see [...] ‘pitchers,’ or street dealers, openly beckoning passersby to purchase their wares.
[US]G. Pelecanos Right As Rain 230: You see those boys out there on that street? All of ’em got a separate function. You got the steerers leading the customers to the pitchers, making the hand-to-hand transactions. And then there’s the lookouts, and the moneymen, who handle the cash.
[US]A.N. LeBlanc Random Family 41: The position of pitcher, which involved handing out glassines.

In phrases

street pitcher (n.)

anyone who makes a living from declaiming ballads or songs (with or without accompanying sheet music), selling ‘true confessions’, posing as a ‘nigger minstrel’ etc.

[UK]Hotten Dict. of Modern Sl. etc. 103: STREET PITCHERS, negro minstrels, ballad singers, long song men, men ‘working a board’ on which have been painted various exciting scenes in some terrible drama, the details of which the street pitcher is bawling out, and setting in a little book or broadsheet (price one penny); or any persons who make a stand in the streets, and sell articles for their living.
[UK]Hotten Sl. Dict. [as cit. 1859].
[UK]Sl. Dict.
[Aus]Sydney Sl. Dict. (2 edn) 11: Street-pitchers - Negro minstrels, ballad-singers, Church-Wardens (comprennez-vous?) etc.
[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.