Green’s Dictionary of Slang

de-bollock v.

[SE pfx de- + ballock n. (1)]

to castrate, usu. in fig. sense of hurting or punishing severely.

[UK]K. Waterhouse Jubb (1966) 208: Debollock him! Yeh! Get his trousers down!
David Shaw ‘Dragon Sweat’ at 🌐 Dragon handler? That’s not his substantive rank on the household rolls. [...] The dragon is of no use to us, only danger, and the sooner we get rid of it and debollock that young upstart, the better.
Tony Hawk Meetings with the Universal Goddess Pt 4 Ch. 35 🌐 Unless you debollock the men I don’t see you’re ever going to have women’s power.
Skins ser.1 ep.1 [TV script] We can at least have some spliffs before you’re taken out and de-bollocked.