Green’s Dictionary of Slang

goey n.


1. cocaine.

[Aus]J. Birmingham Tasmanian Babes Fiasco (1998) 199: Theo whipped a plastic baggie containing a Mars Bar’s worth of white powder. ‘This is great goey,’ he said.

2. amphetamine; amphetamine sulphate.

[Aus]D. McDonald Luck in the Greater West (2008) 3: Patrick White [...] mixed the Glucodin with the amphetamines, roughly one part to two in favour of the goey.
[Aus] L. Redhead ‘Grassed’ in Crime Factory: Hard Labour [ebook] ‘I’ve got some goey on me’ [...] ‘Speed is such a gutter drug,’ Ananda said.
[Aus]D. Whish-Wilson Old Scores [ebook] But it was the sulphate in the bag on the driver’s lap that really had Des flying. [...] Reggie had started taking the goey orally after his nose began to bleed.

3. (Aus.) some form of drug used to enhance a racehorse’s performance.

[Aus]D. Whish-Wilson Zero at the Bone [ebook] ‘The juice. What is it?’ ‘Dunno what it’s called. Elephant juice? Horse goey? To be used sparingly, is all I know. Works on the dogs, too’.