Green’s Dictionary of Slang

nether adj.

used in combs. pertaining to the female genitals.

In compounds

nether end (n.)

the buttocks, the vagina.

[UK]D’Urfey Collin’s Walk canto 2 59: To men the Sourse [i.e. water] on the head descends, But th’ women on their nether ends.
[Scot]Robertson of Struan ‘Dutch Industry’ in Poems (1752) 126: At th’ upper End she cracks her Nuts, / While at the nether End her Honour.
nether eye (n.)

the vagina.

[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.
rtw132 Maureen’s Lusty Confessions 🌐 I wish that you would poke me in my nether eye with your tummy banana and insist that I was wholly enjoying myself.
nether eyebrow (n.) (also nether lashes, ...whiskers)

the pubic hair.

[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues V 30/1: The female pudendum [...] nether-eyebrows (whiskers or lashes).
nether mouth (n.)

the vagina.

[UK]Cleland Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (1985) 82: That delicate glutton, my neither-mouth [sic], as full as it could hold, kept palating, with exquistite relish, the morsel that so deliciously ingorg’d it.