Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hang-out n.2

(also hing-oot) a general term of abuse, applied equally to either sex.

[Scot](con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 64: Yir ma’s a pastime for a darkie, an’ you’re a fuckin’ hing-oot. [Ibid.] 233: hing-oot – defined by Tim as a girl ‘who’s done it so often, her cunt’s hingin’ oot’.
[Scot]I. Welsh ‘The Granton Star Cause’ in Acid House 124: ya faahkin slag! . . . ya horrible fuckin hing-oot!
[Scot]I. Welsh Filth 95: Suck ya wee fuckin hoor or yer auld man’ll ken yir a fuckin drug-dealing wee hing-oot!
[Scot]I. Welsh Glue 44: Bet ye oor Mr Ewart wid huv liked tae huv served up the wee hing-out wi the portion [...] ah jist did!
[Scot](con. 1980s) I. Welsh Skagboys 363: Ah’ve better goods on my airm than that wee hig-out.