Green’s Dictionary of Slang

celluloid n.

[it ‘burns’ easily]

1. (Aus.) money.

[Aus]W.H. Downing Digger Dialects 15: celluloid — Money.
[Aus](con. WWI) A.G. Pretty Gloss. of Sl. [...] in the A.I.F. 1921–1924 (rev. t/s) n.p.: celluloid. Money. The inference being its rapid burning propensities.

2. see loid n.

In compounds

celluloid biscuits (n.)

(US) dice.

[US]A. Baer Two and Three 11 Jan. [synd. col.] A Yank sailor armed with a pair of water wings and a set of celluloid biscuits [...] he could sure control those lil’ square bones with the round corners.