Green’s Dictionary of Slang

shopping and fucking adj.

also shop ’n’ fuck

used of a type of blockbusting novel, developed during the materialist 1980s, in which the normal ingredient of a certain type of bestseller – ‘procrastinated rape’ (V.S. Pritchett, The Living Novel, 1947) – is boosted by regular excursions into the world’s up-market shopping malls in search of lovingly delineated designer-labelled garments and other consumables. When bowdlerized the term is found as sex and shopping.

[UK]K. Lette Llama Parlour 112: Tash was so desperate for cash that she was even trying to write one of those blockbuster Hollywood shop ’n’ fuck novels.
F. Wheen Lord Gnome’s Lit. Companion 84: Shopping and fucking books aren’t all about shopping and fucking – you keep getting those shamefaced digressions about relationships and stuff.
C. Bloom Bestsellers 216: She is the queen of the ‘sex and shopping’ novel (also known as the ‘shopping and fucking’ novel) but she herself has remained happily married.