Green’s Dictionary of Slang

gimmies, the n.

[SE give me/gimme]

1. (also gimmes) greediness.

[US]R. McAlmon Village 136: I’m a good girl now. Like hell! But I know how to use the gimme’s with you men at any rate.
[US](con. 1918) W.T. Scanlon God have Mercy on Us! (1930) 31: I had carefully concealed it [...] so the other fellows wouldn’t see it and get the ‘gimmies’.
[UK]F. Norman Guntz 193: The bird had certainly got the gimme’s.
in D. Jasen P.G. Wodehouse 199: [...] the thing must infallibly bring on a severe attack of the gimmies in the little darling one.
A.O. Howell Beejum Book 232: I think you must remember what your dear Grandpa King used to call ‘an attack of the gimmies’ — you know, give me this and give me that!

2. (US black) an irritable mood.

[US]Rich Trice ‘Trembling Bed Springs’ 🎵 I believe I’ll pack my suitcase, leave my home, / Cause every time I see my lil woman she’s got heer gimmies on.
[US]J.T. Farrell Gas-House McGinty 16: You’re always singin’ the blues and you got the gimmies like the rest of ’em.
[US]Rich Trice ‘Trembling Bed Springs’ 🎵 ’Cos every time I see my li’l old woman, she’s got her gimmies on.
[US]P. Oliver Blues Fell this Morning 102: Too often fatigue makes her irritable and she has ‘her gimmies on’.