Green’s Dictionary of Slang

cherry hog n.

[rhy. sl. = dogs, the n.]

a dog, usu. greyhound, thus the cherries, greyhound racing.

[UK]L. Payne private coll. n.p.: Dog Cherry ’Og.
[UK]P. Hoskins No Hiding Place! 189/2: Cherries. Dog-racing.
[UK]J. Franklyn Dict. of Rhy. Sl.
[UK]S.T. Kendall Up the Frog 11: Take the cherry ’og for a ball o’ chalk up the frog and toad.
[UK] (ref. to 1940s) R. Barnes Coronation Cups and Jam Jars 163: Keep that cherry hog of yours on that piece of string.
[UK]R. Puxley Cockney Rabbit.