Green’s Dictionary of Slang

shredded adj.

1. (US teen) drunk.

[US] P. Munro Sl. U.
Palm Beach Post (FL) 26 Feb. 85/1: Shredded: drunk.

2. very upset.

[UK]J. Baker Shooting in the Dark (2002) 108: He didn’t do it. The man’s shredded. Isobel was the only decent thing in his life.

3. physically well-developed.

[US]C. Faust Choke Hold [ebook] Her body was flawless, jacked and shredded.
[UK]Times 10 Aug. 🌐 Judging from Statham’s [...] savagely shredded upper body, he’s been drinking non-alcoholic beer from very tiny glasses or he’s been doing a thousand tummy crunches between each sip.