Green’s Dictionary of Slang

booyaka! excl.

also boo-yakka!
[? echoic]

(W.I./UK black teen) an excl. of delight, pleasure, made by using the mouth to simulate gun shots fired in celebration or appreciation of something.

[US]M. Beat [song title] Booyaka.
[SA]Jimmy B. ‘Jika Jika’ 🎵 Booyaka! Booyaka! Keep it booming.
[UK]Observer Screen 15 Aug. 7: Ali G [...] Trademark: ‘Wicked!’ ‘Boo-yakka!’.
[UK](con. 1981) A. Wheatle East of Acre Lane 246: He trained his aim on a nearby tree and imagined it to be a policeman. ‘Booyaka!’ he cried.