spout n.2
1. (also water-spout) the vagina.
Wits Paraphras’d 95: I fear’d thy Coxcombs they did cuddle, / Which made my Spouts drop many a puddle. | ||
‘The Female Pawnbroker’ in Convivialist in Spedding & Watt (eds) Bawdy Songbooks (2011) IV 24: These brokers take things up the spout / [...] / For these spouts, like others, all nght, / For your things they remain ever open. | ||
‘Randy Mots of London’ in Libertine’s Songster in Spedding & Watt (eds) I 140: When up the spout he stands alone, / And this I’m certain you will own, / The pawnbroker’s balls are very well known, / To the randy mots of London. | ||
‘The Lady’s Water-Spout’ in Randy Songster in Spedding & Watt (eds) I 209: Her water-spout once had been one of the best, / And many rich qualities too it possest. | ||
‘The Water-Spout’ in Rakish Rhymer (1917) 73: For up her spout he could not trace, / In spite of all his balls, sirs! |
2. the penis; 1759–67 cit. has double meaning.
French Rogue 128: [I] pulled the little Spout I had, out of my Breeches, and as I saw opportunity, played it as long as the Water in the Cistern would supply it. | ||
[ | Tristram Shandy (1949) 370: You have cut off spouts enow, replied Yorick]. | |
‘Zodiac’ in Hilaria 118: An Italian castato’s cut-down aqueduct, / A mere spout for a watering pan. | ||
‘The Man Who Had Too Much Meat’ in Cuckold’s Nest 23: To hold it up, it was such a weight [...] And when he went out, the boys did shout, / ‘There goes the man with the jolly great ---’. | ||
Nocturnal Meeting 74: Wait till I get my spout fair into your piss-pot, and I’ll fuck your bloody arse off. | ||
in Limerick (1953) 37: A fellow whose surname was Hunt / Trained his cock to perform a slick stunt: / This versatile spout / Could be turned inside out, / Like a glove, and be used as a cunt. | ||
Limericks 28: A fellow whose surname was Hunt / Trained his cock to perform a slick stunt: / This versatile spout / Could be turned inside out. | ||
(con. 1940s) Wax Boom 115: ‘Tuned in on the radio [...] Axis Sally was talking one of her dry humps at us.’ ‘Shit,’ Gingold said. ‘Exactly what I mean. She wants us to grab our spouts and forget the Krauts.’. | ||
Faggots 321: Think schnitzel, schwantz, sewing machine, slug, spout, sword, tom-tom, wand, wang, water pistol, weener, wienie!, wheezer!, wishbone!, worm!, Ying-Yang! |
SE in slang uses
In phrases
of a bullet, chambered and ready for immediate firing (rather than still in the magazine).
(con. WW1) Born to Fight 77: My hand tightened on my rifle, a bullet ready ‘up the spout’. | ||
Boys From Baghdad 246: [M]y 9-mm Browning [...] had one up the spout but with the hammer forward [...] my thumb poised to draw it back and let loose the 13 hollow-point rounds . |