Green’s Dictionary of Slang

mustee n.

also mestee
[Sp. mestizo, a half-caste]

(W.I., Bdos/Guyn.) the offspring of a white and a mixed-race parent.

[US]Adventures of Jonathan Corncob 126: At a little distance was a female still less tawney of complexion, called in the country, as I believe, a mestee [...] His intimacy with the mestee produced the quadroon.
[WI]J.B. Moreton West India Customs and Manners 123: A Mestee [...] is begot between a white and a Mulatto.
[WI]M. Lewis 15 Jan. in Journal of a West India Proprietor (1834) 106: The offspring of a white man and a black woman is a mulatto; the mulatto and black produce a sambo; from the mulatto and white comes the quadroon; from the quadroon and white the mustee; the child of a mustee by a white man is called a musteefino.
[UK]Marly; Planter’s Life in Jamaica 94: These gangs consisted of Samboes, Mulattoes, a couple of Mustees.
[US]Schele De Vere Americanisms 115: The latter is also sometimes called a mustee, a term obtained from Cuba, but properly the Spanish mestizo, the child of a Spaniard and an Indian.