Green’s Dictionary of Slang

striker n.2

1. (US milit.) used of various ‘assistants’, e.g. an officer’s servant.

[US]C. M’Govern ‘Soldier Sl.’ in Sarjint Larry an’ Frinds.
C. Fowler letter 18 Feb. in Tomlinson Rocky Mountain Sailor (1998) 22: On some ships, a man is detailed to assist the mess cook in his mess at meal times. Men so detailed are call[ed] ‘strikers’.
C. Fowler letter 16 Jan. in Tomlinson Rocky Mountain Sailor (1998) 201: The Engineer's Writer [...] has a ‘striker’ in his office .
[US]E. Genet letter 6 May in Channing War Letters of Edmond Genet 12: I was detailed last Saturday. The position is that of striker for yeoman.
[US](con. WW1) B.J. Doty Legion of the Damned 204: [H]e was ordonnance to an officer—what in our army is a ‘striker’ or, more popularly, a ‘dog-robber’.

2. (US Und.) a recruit for a motorcycle gang.

[US]C. Stroud Close Pursuit (1988) 271: Mokie had talked about his friend who was a striker – a recruit – for a motorcycle gang in the Bronx.