Green’s Dictionary of Slang

gorblimey n.

[gorblimey adj.]

the quality that is indicative of a working-class background; occas. the working-class person.

[UK]G.W. Target Teachers (1962) 56: It stuck out a mile: a real Gorblimey from over the other side, and uncertain enough of it to want you to think he was putting it on for laughs.
[UK]Galton & Simpson ‘Man of Letters’ Steptoe and Son [TV script] He’ll never keep it up [an upperclass accent] He’s a right gorblimey.
[UK]‘P.B. Yuill’ Hazell and the Three-card Trick (1977) 51: When I speak to the likes of cousin Tel I can hear how my voice has lost the real gorblimeys.
[UK]J. Meades Empty Wigs (t/s) 152: [H]e had some dangerous commie ideas [...] Health clinics for everybody. Everybody! Gorblimies included!