Green’s Dictionary of Slang

ing-bing n.

[? var. on wing-ding n.]

(US) a fit, an emotional outburst.

[US]C.G. Givens ‘Chatter of Guns’ in Sat. Eve. Post 13 Apr.; list extracted in AS VI:2 (1930) 134: throw an ing-bing, v.phr. Go insane.
[US]Hammett Glass Key 446: ‘What gets into you, Ned?‘ he complained. ‘You go along fine for just so long and then for no reason at all you throw an ing-bing’.
[US]R. Chandler High Window 195: Merle’s at my apartment,’ I said. ‘She threw an ing-bing.’ Without looking up she said: ‘And just what is an ing-bing.’ [...] ‘A case of the vapours, they used to call it,’ I said.