Green’s Dictionary of Slang

choke n.1

1. a choker, a clerical collar.

[UK]Sam Sly 9 Dec. 3/2: It is not true that Coffin the little, dark haired, smutty p—r of Ox—d-street, M—e-end, is a Methodist preacher, though he wears a white ‘choke’ and palavers.

2. prison bread, which is hard to swallow and indigestible.

[UK]C. Mackenzie in Chokey 9: The prison slang for bread [...] known as ‘choke’.
[Aus]Argus (Melbourne) 24 Feb. 7/1: If Ed. W.E. Mag. wants some drawings you can tell him to go and eat choke.
[UK]Partridge DSUE (1984) 212/2: from ca. 1880; ob. by 1930.

3. (Aus.) an act of garrotting.

[Aus]S.J. Baker in Sun. Herald (Sydney) 8 June 9/2: Most of these are small-time criminals. [...] More serious is a ‘choke’ or garrotting.
[Aus]Baker Aus. Speaks.

4. a shock to the nerves; nervousness.

[US]F.X. Toole Rope Burns 118: There’s always some choke in everyone before a fight.

5. a cigarette.

[UK]P. Theroux Picture Palace 16: I sat back and lit up a cigarette and when he faced me again I offered him one. ‘Care for a choke?’.

6. (US campus) marijuana.

Online Sl. Dict. 🌐 [...] choke n 1. marijuana.

In compounds

choke-line (n.)

a sentence to death by hanging.

Brothers of the Blade 2: Cor. [H]is Lordship [...] would have jeer'd thee to the gallowes: but thou mayst thanke that good man, first in giving thee not a choke-line (as he might) but the common Psalme of mercy.

In phrases

shut one’s choke (v.) [backform. f. choke v. (1)]

[Ire]S. Beckett Murphy (1963) 118: You [...] you shut your bloody choke, we all know what you want.