Green’s Dictionary of Slang

snorty adj.

[SE snort]

bad-tempered, disagreeable.

[UK] K.D. Wiggin Cathedral Courtship 122: Mrs. Bobby expostulated with Mrs. Gooch in my behalf. She found Mrs. Gooch very snorty, very snorty indeed .
[Aus]Truth (Brisbane) 10 Apr. 5/3: Mistress Gray now took the matter up, and wrote a snorty letter demanding the proper trousers or the return of the three half-dollars.
[US]Spanish American (Roy, NM) 2 Aug. 8/1: A ‘Snorty Gobbler’ does not necesarily have to be a turkey [...] Snorty Gobblers can be individuals.
[US]B. Hannah Geronimo Rex 135: You can’t imagine how ... snorty you look holding those boxes to your breast.