Green’s Dictionary of Slang

well adv.2

used as an intensifier in such combs. as bloody well, jolly well, damn well adv. etc.

[UK]Sessions Papers 8 Jan. 325: If you don’t bleeding well let me go.
[UK]A. Morrison Tales of Mean Streets (1983) 40: You’re a damn brute. Y’ought to be bleedin’ well booted.
[UK]Kipling in Morning Post 8 Nov. 5/1: My friend, you made a mistake, and you jolly well know it.
[Aus]Bulletin (Sydney) 13 Dec. 20/3: He […] told me if I wanted more I could darn well pay for it, or make myself scarce.
[UK]K. Sampson Outlaws (ms.) 11: He should’ve well been there.