Green’s Dictionary of Slang

bridge v.2

also bring up

(drugs) to ready a vein for injection, by making it swell out of the surrounding flesh.

[US]D. Maurer ‘Lang. of the Und. Narcotic Addict’ Pt 2 in Lang. Und. (1981).
[US]Monteleone Criminal Sl. (rev. edn) 34: bring up To cause the veins to stand out by tying up the arm or leg between the place where the addict desires to make the injection.
[US]J.E. Schmidt Narcotics Lingo and Lore 20: Bring up – To dilate a vein selected for a narcotic injection by compression above the site.
[US]ONDCP Street Terms 4: Bridge or bring up — Ready a vein for injection.