Green’s Dictionary of Slang

whanger n.

[whang v. (1)]

1. anything large or unusual of its kind.

[UK]Farmer & Henley Sl. and Its Analogues.

2. (also whangus) the penis, usu. larger than average.

[UK]T.S. Eliot ‘Fragments’ Inventions of the March Hare in Ricks (1996) 314: With his whanger in his hand he walked through the hall / ‘By God’ said the cook ‘he’s gona fuck us all.’.
E. Pound ‘The RT/Rev bidding him corajo’ in Laughlin Essays (1989) 212: Strip off thy BVDs and undervest / Display thy whangus in its antient might.
[US]J. Steinbeck Grapes of Wrath (1951) 12: We spied a nigger, with a trigger that was bigger than an elephant’s proboscis or the whanger of a whale.
[US] in G. Legman Limerick (1953) 53: When he tried to inject his huge whanger / A young man aroused his girl’s anger.
[US]J. Wambaugh Glitter Dome (1982) 19: He was unaware of her fondling his flaccid whanger.
[US](con. 1930s) C.E. Lincoln The Avenue, Clayton City (1996) 7: If he got such a whanger, why can’t he find it when he wants to pee?
[US]J. Wambaugh Golden Orange (1991) 229: They’d probably need a videotape of the crime as well as a signed confession that he waved his whanger.
C.W. Smith Understanding Women 25: She takes off her bloiuse. He takes his whangus expertly in his hand.
[US]‘Bill E. Goodhead’ Nubile Treat 🌐 Then she ran her tongue back down the other side of his whanger, ending up at the root, where she kissed and licked some more.
T. Wolfe ‘Ambush at Fort Bragg’ in Hooking Up 184: ‘[I]t was a feller fum my own gaddayum cump’ny daown on his fucking knees gobblin’ at whangus sticking thew’at hole in the partition’.
[US]J. Ellroy Widespread Panic 22: They sold dildo dupes of Donkey Don’s sixteen-inch whanger.