Green’s Dictionary of Slang

cash v.2

[abbr. cash in one’s chips under chip n.2 ]

1. (also kash) to quit, to give up one’s efforts.

[US]Nat. Police Gaz. (NY)15 July 6: When a trainer is taken by the eye of an elephant, he may as well ‘kash’ .

2. to die.

[US]C.E. Mulford Bar-20 Days 174: ‘He’s cashed,’ Red replied, [...] nodding toward the procession.
[US]Z. Grey Sunset Pass 5: He cashed with his boots on.
[US]O.R. Strange Sudden 63: He’ll carry that brand till he cashes.

3. (US) to reach an end.

[US]M. McBride Swollen Red Sun 36: He looked at the glass pipe [...] ‘That bowl cashed yet?’.