Green’s Dictionary of Slang

limey adj.

also lime
[limey n. (1)]

(orig. Aus.) English, British.

[US](con. 1918) J.W. Thomason Red Pants 112: Know who had him? That Limey son of a ---.
[US]E. O’Neill Iceman Cometh Act I: He’s still plind drunk, the ploody Limey chentleman!
[US]R. Leveridge Walk on the Water 72: He should be in the limey army.
[US]J.P. Donleavy Ginger Man (1958) 172: ‘I’m not lime, Mary.’ ‘What are you then.’ ‘I’m American.’.
[US]H.S. Thompson Hell’s Angels (1967) 102: A dual-carburrettor Triumph or a B.S.A. It is not unusual for people who ride these limey bikes to seek opportunities to humiliate a cop on a Harley.
[Can]J. Mandelkau Buttons 62: Hey, you must be the Limey guy, Buttons!
[UK]Guardian Rev. 18 June 13: I’m gonna come out an’ wipe my yankee ass all over your limey heads.
[UK]Observer Escape 12 Mar. 2: Yeah, I bet you are, you limey pervo loser.
[US] M. McBride Frank Sinatra in a Blender [ebook] After we I.D. this limey ashole, let’s go get some breakfast.