Green’s Dictionary of Slang

hinaki n.

also hinake
[Maori slang hinake, eel trap]

(Aus./N.Z.) prison; a punishment cell.

NZEF Times 5 Feb. 4: When jokers go out the monk on vodka they have to build an inacke around them before they wake up [DNZE].
[NZ]G. Johnston Fish Factory 93: If a joker turned up at Court with his defense counsel [...] surely he deserved more than the judgement of a visiting magistrate to decide he should go into the hinaki.
[Aus]Tupper & Wortley Aus. Prison Sl. Gloss. 🌐 Hinake. Prison. Literally Maori for eel trap. New Zealand origin.
North and South (Auckland) Feb. 89: You know what a hinaki is? It’s a thing that catches eels, eh. They also use that word for prison [DNZE].
[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 87/2: hinaki n. 1 the solitary confinement cell, the pound.
[NZ] McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl.