Green’s Dictionary of Slang

yellow peril n.

[SE yellow/yellow adj. (3c); allegedly coined by Kaiser Wilhelm c. 1890]

1. pertaining to race.

(a) a derog. term for any East Asian person; the concept that such ‘teeming’ races are poised to overtake white ‘civilization’.

S. Wales Dly News 12 Jan. 3/4: THE YELLOW PERIL. The special correspondent of Le Soir, in accent communication from St. Petersburg, says :—[...] China and Japan (the latter possess- ing only an exterior varnish of civilisation, cover- ing a barbarity and profound and fanatical hate against Europeans) offer in any union serious elements against European civilisation.
(ref. to c.1890) Wilkes-Barre Wkly Times (PA) 2 Sept. 4/5: Some eight or nine years ago Emperor William of Germany created asensation by painting an allegorical picture [...] Europe and the United States as menaced by a dreadful spectre [...] China, Japan and the other yellow races of Asia. This was termed the ‘yellow peril’.
[UK]Daily News 21 July 3/5: The ‘yellow peril’ in its most serious form.
[NZ]N.Z. Truth 3 Nov. 8/7: [heading] The Yellow Peril [...] The other two Wellington papers seem to be absolutely indifferent as to whether this country is populated by the infernal Chow.
[UK]E. Pugh City Of The World 321: In England the Yellow Peril does not seem to touch us very nearly yet [...] what we do not faintly realise is that the Chinese invasion began many years ago; that there is a Chinatown in London as well as in New York and San Francisco.
[NZ]N.Z. Truth 29 Apr. 1/5: We are one of the handiest portions of the Empire to the alleged Yellow Peril.
[US]C. McKay Trial by Lynching (1977) 9: Cord always asserted that the cock-and-bull story about the ‘yellow peril’ was invented by Jewish journalists.
[UK]Rover 18 Feb. 28: The yellow perils searched in every corner.
[US]M.E. Counselman ‘The Green Window’ in Goodstone Pulps (1970) 185/1: The Yellow Peril [...] When everybody thought the Chinese were going to take over the country.
[UK]W. Hall Long and the Short and the Tall Act I: Bammo, my old son, the British Army’s in a desperate position. The yellow peril’s about to descend on us.
[UK]J. Orton Diaries (1986) 27 July 254: ‘All these Indians and Chinese,’ Mr Nicko, my hairdresser said, ‘swarms of them. The whole street behind my flat is taken over by the Yellow Peril.’.
[US]Maledicta II:1+2 (Summer/Winter) 173: Yellow peril The Japanese, in World War II and before. The Chinese during the Korean War. Generally, any Oriental threat to Western security and stability.
[US]H. Rawson Dict. of Invective (1991) 430: yellow peril. Orientals, especially Chinese, as perceived by Europeans in fear of being overrun by the peoples of the East.
[SA]P.-D. Uys Part Hate Part Love (1994) 33: These laws were to protect her and the children from the black peril, or the yellow peril .
[US]P. Beatty White Boy Shuffle 23: [of Vietnamese] Hello! Don’t you fucking baboons know that this is the goddam enemy? The yellow peril.
[UK]Indep. Rev. 31 May 1: All of which seems filled with suspicion of the ‘yellow peril.’.
[Aus]P. Papathanasiou Stoning 43: Abbott stared down the yellow peril in the jungle [and] killed six of the squinty-eyed bastards.
[UK]R. Milward Man-Eating Typewriter 115: What proportion chink are you? [...] Yellow peril?’.

(b) the Communist Chinese.

[UK]P. Theroux Murder in Mount Holly (1999) 51: Listened to news of the President’s [...] negotiations with what Mr Gibbon called ‘The Yellow Peril.’.
[UK]B.S. Johnson All Bull 198: The Korean War had escalated [...] I felt that I might have to spend the rest of my life defending the fens from the yellow peril.
[NZ]McGill Dict. of Kiwi Sl. 127/2: Yellow Peril the Chinese Communists perceived by xenophobic antipodeans as imminent invaders.
[UK]Sun. Tel. mag. 11 Jan. 11: The ‘yellow peril’ has been replaced by the ‘black fellah in your backyard.’.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. [as cit. 1988].

2. in joc. uses.

(a) a Gold Flake cigarette.

[Aus]C.H. Thorp Handful of Ausseys 201: The speaker paused to light up a ‘yellow peril’.
[UK]O. Onions Peace in Our Time 30: It was stupid [...] the way fellows rotted about [...] smoking too many yellow perils.
[UK](con. WWI) Fraser & Gibbons Soldier and Sailor Words 311: Yellow Peril, A: A cigarette.

(b) (UK prison) vegetable soup.

[UK]J. Morton Lowspeak.