Green’s Dictionary of Slang

psych n.

also psyc

1. (US campus) psychology or psychiatry, as a course; also attrib.

[US]W.C. Gore Student Sl. in Cohen (1997) 7: Psych. n. Psychology.
[US]Cornhusker in DN IV:ii 129: He was feeling sadly As he thought of Pysch and Chem.
Ottowa Campus 10 Oct. 2/3: I take three kinds of psych.
[US]W.R. Burnett Goodbye to the Past 66: ‘Everybody’s reading Freud now. Why, even my psych prof mentioned him the other day’.
[US]Larner & Tefferteller Addict in the Street (1966) 186: Then she went to school and studied psych and stuff.
[US]J. Wambaugh Choirboys (1976) 209: There oughtta be a law against people taking Psych 1b.
[Aus]D. Ireland Glass Canoe (1982) 32: I’m doing my doctorate in Psych.
[US]S. King Christine 589: He was what one of my psych profs in college called ‘an interested outsider’.
[US]A. Heckerling Clueless [film script] cher: Freshman psych rears it’s ugly head. josh: Hey, I am not taking psych.

2. (Aus.) superstition [abbr. SE psychic].

[Aus]L. Glassop Lucky Palmer 168: It’s a psych [...] Some fellows reckon the tail falling first is a good omen for tails.

3. (orig. US) a psychiatrist.

[US]R. Leveridge Walk on the Water 269: After the war we’ll get you a damn good psyc, and if he can’t cure you, we’ll fix it so you adjust to miss all this hurt.
[US]T.I. Rubin In the Life 38: Must be the psych in me, the psychiatrist in me, Doc.
[UK]N. Smith Gumshoe (1998) 48: See if you don’t end up under a psych having kept your neurosis down to hypochondriasis.
[US]M. Braly False Starts 64: I was shunted to an Army psych.
[Aus]B. Matthews Intractable [ebook] The psych had given me a clean bill of health.
[Aus] D. Whish-Wilson ‘In Savage Freedom’ in Crime Factory: Hard Labour [ebook] What the psychs call the learned behaviour.

4. psychology.

[UK]A-Team Storybook 60: Don’t try none of your fool psyc ...
[US]F. Kellerman Stalker (2001) 87: When Cindy had been heavily into psych.

5. (US) a psychiatric patient.

[US]T. Jones Pugilist at Rest 26: A couple of neuropsychs.

6. (N.Z. prison) an inmate serving a sentence for murder [? SE psychotic].

[NZ]D. Looser Boobslang [U. Canterbury D.Phil. thesis] 148/1: psych n. 1 an inmate in prison for murder.

In derivatives

psychey (adj.)

(Scot. gang) crazy, mad.

[Scot](con. mid-1960s) J. Patrick Glasgow Gang Observed 65: Ah wis mad, aff ma heid. Ah ran a right psychey don the toon. Ah ran amock wi’ a big psychey blade. Didnae know whit Ah wis dain. [Ibid.] 120: That the boys themselves should choose the words ‘mental’, ‘crackpot’, and ‘psychey’ to describe their gang is indeed surprising.

In compounds

psych jockey (n.) [jockey n.2 (4b)]

(US) one who hosts a radio/TV programme or phone-in on emotional and sexual problems.

‘The 20 best libertarian movies of all times’ Orange County Register 🌐 It stars Bill Murray in his funniest role as a ‘multi-phobic’ patient driving psych-jockey Richard Dreyfus nuts.
psych-up (n.)

(Aus.) a psychological boost, e.g. before a competition.

[Aus]M. Coleman Fatty 90: I never needed any special psych-up but Boydy and some of the guys in the team would go bananas.