Green’s Dictionary of Slang

whoopsie n.

also whoopsie-boy, whoops-m’dear, whoops my dear, woops my dear, whoops sister

1. a homosexual; thus sneering phr. whoops my dear, used of one who is supposedly homosexual.

[US]T.A. Dorgan Silk Hat Harry’s Divorce Suit 23 May [synd. cartoon strip] [illus. shows ‘typically’ homosexual figure] Whoops my deah — I should get a pimple on my hip and spoil my shape.
[US]T.A. Dorgan Indoor Sports 16 Aug. [synd. cartoon] Didya get the sports shirt on his nobs? — Throw him a kiss — Woops my dear.
[US]W. Winchell On Broadway 27 July [synd. col.] ‘Maj. Dick Ramsey [...] has invoked a new costume for the [tennis] courts. [...] In place of a regular shirt he wears a sleeveless blouse [...] On each arm he wears eight silver bracelets’ [...] The Maj. before his name, we take it, being an abbreviation for Marjorie. Whoops!
[US]‘R. Scully’ Scarlet Pansy 341: Whoops, Whoops! Whoops, my dear! / Can you tell me if she’s queer? / Would she learn to do the crawl? / Would she go to balls and all? / Would she dance the can-can-can / For her great big strong he-man?
[US]‘J.M. Hall’ Anecdota Americana II 6: The chief of police is queer, / Whoops my dear, / Horsecock!
M. Fulcher ‘Believe Me’ in Afro-American (Baltimore, MD) 30 Mar. 12/1: Two Philadelphia morticians [...] are being privately investigated because they can’t stay way from the whoops sisters and versatile young girls.
[US]W. Winchell ‘On Broadway’ 12 Feb. [synd. col.] He’s never ogled the Radio City Rockettes in their undressing rooms [...] Not because he is any sissy or whoops-m’dear.
[US]W. Winchell ‘On Broadway’ 14 Oct. [synd. col.] Collette Lyons [...] met a well known whoopsie the other night . . . ‘What happened?’ we asked her. ‘Nothing [...] I just waved my hand – and he just waved his wand!’.
[US]W. Winchell On Broadway 13 Apr. [synd. col.] The liquor authorities have discovered ‘The Bird Circuit’ is the nickname for bars and joynts which invite the patronage of the town’s whoopsies .
[US]Guild Dict. Homosexual Terms 49: whoopsi (interj.): An exclamation that one has recognized a fellow homosexual.
[US]B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 74: stereotype effeminate homosexual [...] whoopsie boy (’40s: fr the flamboyant manner in which homosexuals sometimes greet one another).
[UK]Guardian 27 Jan. 19: We learned the real reason Napoleon lost the Battle of Waterloo. The French were all ‘mincing whoopsies’, you see.
Twitter 15 Jan. 🌐 Ivor Novello was #BOTD in this house in Cardiff. Further up the road he has a pub named after him, but did Wetherspoons use his birth name because the Novello estate or awards vetoed ‘Novello’, or because Novello was a famous whoopsy?

2. (US) vomit.

[US]S. King Finders Keepers (2016) 268: She [...] vomits her breakfast [...] the school’s head janitor [...] sees her stagger backward from the steaming pile of whoopsie.