Green’s Dictionary of Slang

buggerlugs n.

also bugalugs, boggerlugs
[SE bugger + lug n.1 ; lit. ‘sodomite ears’]
(orig. RN)

a general term of (affectionate) address, usu. among men.

[[NZ]I. Hamilton Till Human Voices Wake Us 69: Two volumes of [psychological] theory by Mr Butterlugs, M.D.].
[UK]A. Sillitoe Sat. Night and Sun. Morning 55: Run off wi’ my fiver would you, young bogger-lugs? My ’ard-earned lolly.
[Aus]M. Bail Homesickness (1999) 355: ‘Hey, buggerlugs,’ Garry put out his hand, ‘I thought you were in the States?’.
[NZ]McGill Reed Dict. of N.Z. Sl. 36: buggerlugs, sometimes spelled bugalugs Expression of exasperation usually of a mock variety and often directed at junior.
[Aus]G. Gilmore Class Act [ebook] ‘What’s the latest with buggerlugs, anyway?’.