Green’s Dictionary of Slang

girlesk n.

also girlesque
[SE girl + burlesque]

(US) a show featuring women, usu. striptease artists; also attrib.

[US]New Castle Herald (PA) 30 Mar. 3: [advert] The Big Girlesk Burlesk. ‘The Folly Burlesquers’.
[US]Eve. Standard (Uniontown, PA) 18 Oct. 3: [advert] Jazz Babies A Girlesk review.
[US]Cumberland Eve. Times (MD) 25 Aug. 10/1: [headline] The First of Girlesk Reviews Tonight.
[US]W. Winchell On Broadway 22 June [synd. col.] Margie Hart the stripper from the Gaiety Girlesk shows. ‘[...] Marjorie Berry was a chorus eyeful at the Eltinge girlesk theater on 42nd street.
[US]J.E. Dadswell Hey, Sucker 71: Of all the ‘girlesk shows’ we exhibited [...] the most popular, I am sure, was Lottie Mayer’s Disappearing Water Ballet. [Ibid.] 88: The term glittergals applies largely to performers taking part in girlesk attractions.
(con. 1940–50) Synopsis of ‘Broadshow Roadshow Shorts 7’ at 🌐 Classic burlesque roadshow shorts from the 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s, including ‘How to Take a Bath’; ‘Girlesk Shows’; ‘These Girls are Fools’.

In derivatives

girlesker (n.)

(US) a striptease artist.

[US]W. Winchell ‘On Broadway’ 4 Oct. [synd. col.] Russel Crouse and Howard Lindsay [...] wrote [‘Strip for Action’] this story of the adventures of the girleskers in an amry camp.