Green’s Dictionary of Slang

sneck drawer n.

[Scot. sneck, a latch + SE drawer, one who pulls; lit. one who opens a latch (in order to enter surreptitiously)]

a sly, cunning, flattering person.

Political Poems ii p.98 in Oliphant New Eng. i 192: Among the nouns sneck-drawer; used by Scott [F&H].
[Scot]W. Scott Rob Roy (1883) 429: Syddall is an auld sneck-drawer.
[UK]Belfast News-Letter 2 Jan. 4/1: By way of shewing you the road to the door, perhaps Master Sneck-drawer.
Lloyds Wkly Newspaper (London) 27 June 8/3: He was just too much of a sneck drawer.
[Scot]Dundee Courier 14 Jan. 7/3: ‘Ye’r an auld sneck drawer, Wattie’.
[Scot]Peterhead Sentinel 30 Nov. 7/1: I have an order to deliver to an auld sneck drawer sae particular that she wad think naething o’ throwing it back [...] give I was na punctual tae the minute.