Green’s Dictionary of Slang

fuse n.

[the image of the cigarette as a lit fuse attached to the ‘bomb’, i.e. the head]

(S.Afr.) a cigarette.

[SA]P.C. Venter Soweto 44: He couldn’t even light a fuse there. And no booze on the premises, man.
[SA]A. Brink Dry White Season 178: He offered Ben his packet of Lucky Strike: ‘Like a fuse?’.

In phrases

pinch someone’s fuse (v.)

(US) to hold some back from an action, to silence.

L. Block In the Midst of Death 45: She splashed herself all over the papers yesterday. I been here since then. I figure I can last the week if I get lucky, a quiet neighborhood like this. By then maybe you can pinch her fuse.