Green’s Dictionary of Slang

diener n.

also dienaar, diender
[Afk. dienaaren, lit. one who serves; note Afk. sl. dienaars, prison warders known for their brutality]

(S.Afr.) a police officer.

[G. Thompson Travels I 285: Being supplied by the Landdrost, Mr. Ryneveld, with fresh horses, and a dienaar (police man) to accompany me, I arrived, in a few hours, at Rondebosch [DSAE]].
[UK]cited in Partridge DU (1949).
J. Cope Tame Ox 74: ‘You tell the dieners once, not twice.’ ‘You lie! I never told the police nothing.’.
[SA]A.M. Louw 20 Days that Autumn 86: The ‘Kaffers’ had been to the charge office to ask the ‘dienders’ to arrest them for not carrying their passes.
[SA] in J. & W. Branford Dict. S. Afr. Eng. (1987).